Models 707B and 708B Switching Matrix Reference Manual
Section 2: General operation
707B-901-01 Rev. B / January 2015
To set additional delay time through the remote interface:
Use the command:
Forbid closing a channel
You can prevent a channel from being closed from any interface by setting it to forbidden.
If the channel that is to be forbidden is used in a channel pattern, the pattern is deleted when you set
the channel to be forbidden to close.
To forbid closing of a channel from the front panel:
1. Display a channel (you might need to press
2. Select the channel for which you want to set attributes.
3. Press
, then press
4. Use the navigation wheel to select
5. Select Yes to prevent a channel from being closed or No to allow closures.
6. Press the navigation wheel to save the change.
To forbid closing of a channel from the web interface:
1. From the list on the left, select the slot that contains the channel you want to forbid close on.
2. Right-click the channel.
3. Select the forbidden checkbox.
4. Click
To forbid closing of a channel from the remote interface:
You can also set this attribute using the following commands:
(on page 7-42)
(on page 7-16)
Set up labels
You can define labels for rows, columns, and channels.
Labels must be unique; they cannot have the same as the name of another row, column, channel, or
channel pattern. Labels cannot contain spaces, and they do not persist through a power cycle.
Channel labels can be up to 19 characters. Row and columns labels can be up to 8 characters. On
the crosspoint display, the first four characters of the label are displayed. On the bottom display, the
full label is displayed.
You can only set labels for slots and channels that are installed in the instrument.