Models 707B and 708B Switching Matrix Reference Manual
Section 2: General operation
707B-901-01 Rev. B / January 2015
Determining the number of relay closures
The Models 707B and 708B keeps an internal count of the number of times each switching card relay
has been closed. The total number of relay closures is stored in nonvolatile memory on the switching
card. Use this count to determine when relays require replacement (see the card documentation for
information regarding the contact life specifications).
Relay closures are counted only when a relay transitions from open to closed state. If you send
multiple close commands to the same channel without sending an open command, only the first
closure is counted.
The counts reported for the following cards indicate the number of closures since the last power
cycle of the card:
For all other cards, the number of closures are the closures that have occurred over the lifetime of
the card.
To view the close count for a channel from the front panel:
1. Use the navigation wheel to select the channel.
2. Press the
3. Press the
4. Use the navigation wheel to scroll to the "COUNT" menu item.
5. Press the
(or the navigation wheel) to display the close counts.
6. Use the
to leave the menu.
To view the close count for a channel from the web interface:
1. From the list on the left, select a slot with an installed card.
2. Right-click a channel. The Channel Configuration dialog box is displayed.
3. Check the value in the Closure Count box.
You can also work with channel patterns using the command
Identify installed switching cards
To identify installed switching cards from the front panel:
Press the
key to scroll through the model numbers, descriptions, and firmware revisions of the
installed switching cards.