2. To replace the encoder knob:
a. Carefully align the encoder knob on the encoder post, on top of the spacer and nut.
b. Ensure that there is at least 0.050” of clearance between the back face of the knob and the front panel to allow for push-button
c. Install and tighten the set screw. Do not overtighten.
Removable hard drive
1. The hard drive is mounted to a hard drive sled located on the front panel. To remove the sled with hard drive, unscrew the two
thumbscrews on the front panel (labeled REMOVABLE HARD DRIVE) and slide the hard drive sled out of the instrument.
2. To replace, reverse the procedure.
Software upgrades
Software upgrades, as available, are located at
CAUTION: The AWG5200 series has a calibration utility, which does not require any external signals or equipment. This self-cal
does not replace a full factory calibration by Tektronix. The full factory calibration must be performed after any procedure that
opens the front panel or rear panel. Any measurements made after opening the front or rear panel, without performing the full
factory calibration afterward, are invalid.
Factory calibration
The factory calibration must be performed after any procedure module that opens the front panel or rear panel. This calibration can only be
performed by Tektronix personnel. If the front panel or rear panel is opened, a full factory calibration must be performed by Tektronix.
Restore Factory calibration
If you run a self-cal and the results are bad, you can restore the factory cal constants by clicking RESTORE FACTORY CAL in the
Calibration window.
Run the calibration utility under the following conditions:
• If your application requires optimum performance, you should run the self-calibration utility before performing critical tests if there are
temperature is more than 5 °C above or below the temperature at which the calibration was last run. You must run the complete
self-cal. It takes about 10 minutes. If you abort, it won’t write any new cal constants.
• Always start a self-cal by doing the Calibration initialization. It is a hardware reset; it prepares for calibration.
• LOOP: you can loop the calibration, but it never saves the constants. Loop can help find intermittent problems.
• The screen turns pink when there is an error or failure.
Run self-calibration
To run the calibration utility, proceed as follows:
1. No external signals or equipment is necessary. Allow the instrument to run for at least 20 minutes under the environmental conditions
in which it will operate after calibration. Ensure that the instrument’s internal temperature has stabilized.
2. Open the Calibration window:
a. Select the Utilities workspace tab.
b. Select the Diag & Cal button.
c. Select the Diagnostics & Calibration button.
AWG5200 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generators Service Manual