Type 324
Change in fo rm a tio n , i f a n y, a ffe ctin g this section w ill be fo u n d a t the rear o f the manual.
This section of the manual contains maintenance infor
mation for use in preventive maintenance, corrective
maintenance or troubleshooting of the Type 324.
Cabinet Removal
Cabinet removal and replacement information appears in
the Power Pack Operating Procedure in Section 2, Oper
ating Instructions. The precautions outlined there should be
observed to avoid personal injury or equipment damage
during cabinet removal or replacement.
General Information
The Type 324 Oscilloscope should be cleaned, lubri
cated, inspected and recalibrated at regular intervals. A
recommended schedule for average operating conditions is
every 6 months or every 500 hours of operation, whichever
occurs first. Additional information regarding maintenance
of the Power Pack is contained under the Disassembly and
Assembly part of this section.
Cleaning the Type 324 Oscilloscope, in addition to
improving its appearance, aids its operation and lengthens
its operating life. Dirt on components can result in short
circuits. A dry, soft cloth and soft-bristled brush are
recommended for removing loose dirt from the outside of
the instrument. Dirt on the inside should be loosened with
a soft-bristled brush and removed by using a vacuum
cleaner or a stream of low-pressure air. High-pressure air can
damage the equipment and should not be used.
Use an eye-shield when cleaning w ith pressurized air.
Hardened dirt should be removed by using a mild deter
gent and water solution on a cotton-tipped swab or a soft
cloth. Remove the Power Pack before using the solution on
the oscilloscope. Avoid excessive use of water. Do not allow
water to penetrate any parts. Dry the instrument thor
oughly before energizing it. Avoid the use of abrasives and
chemical cleaning agents. Protect the oscilloscope from dirt
and damage by keeping it covered when not in use.
Soap and water should not be used on the Power Pack
unless one lead from the battery pack is unsoldered and
taped up. The unit must be allowed to dry thoroughly
before reconnecting the lead. The battery compartment
should be checked for dirt and corrosion during the main
tenance period. Corroded areas should be cleaned with a
neutralizing solution of 2% borax and water to prevent
further corrosion. Disassembly and Assembly instructions
appear later in this section, and should be referred to before
opening the battery compartment.
Visual Inspection
A fter cleaning, the instrument should be carefully in
spected for defects such as poor connections, damaged
parts and improperly seated transistors. Damaged parts
require that the cause of the damage be eliminated before
operation is resumed.
Keep all moving parts properly lubricated using a
cleaning-type lubricant on shaft bushings and switch con
tacts. Lubricate switch detents and screw threads with a
slight amount of grease. Do not overlubricate. Proper lubri
cants and lubricating instructions are contained in Tek
tronix lubrication kit, Part No. 003-0342-00. Contact the
Tektronix Field Representative if additional information
regarding lubricants or lubrication is required.
Transistor Checks
Checking transistors as a preventive maintenance func
tion is not recommended. Circuit performance is thor
oughly checked during calibration; unacceptable transistors
will be detected at that time.
The calibration status of an instrument should be deter
mined as a part of preventive maintenance for several
reasons: 1) The calibration of an instrument changes
slightly with age, use and operating conditions; 2) calibra
tion may be affected during the cleaning process; and
3) checking the calibration status may reveal troubles
which are not obvious during regular operation.
Test Equipment
The test equipment listed here should suffice for most
troubleshooting jobs on the Type 324 Oscilloscope.
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