Display an FFT math waveform
Use this procedure to display an FFT math waveform.
About this task
The FFT process mathematically converts the standard time-domain signal (repetitive or single-shot acquisition) into its frequency
components. The FFT function processes the waveform record and displays the FFT frequency domain record, which contains the input
signal frequency components from DC (0 Hz) to ½ the sample rate (also called the Nyquist frequency).
1. Tap Add Math Ref Bus and then tap Math.
2. Double-tap the Math badge to open the Math configuration menu.
3. Tap Source and select the signal source from the list.
4. Set Math Type to FFT.
The FFT of the waveform is displayed in an FFT Math waveform view.
5. Use the controls to further refine the FFT display.
Add a search
Use this procedure to set search criteria and mark a waveform where those events occur.
About this task
You can search on analog and digital signals, math waveforms, and reference waveforms.
Prerequisite: Display the channel or waveform signal on which to search. The waveform must be displayed to create a search for it.
1. Display the channel or waveform signal on which to search. The waveform must be displayed to create a search for it.
2. Tap the Search button to open the Search configuration menu.
3. Use the configuration menu fields to set the search criteria in the same way that you would set for a trigger condition (select the
Search Type, Source, and conditions on which to search).
4. The searched waveform is marked with one or more triangles as soon as the search criteria becomes true. The example image shows
search criteria set to find positive pulse widths that are less than 70 ns wide.
Analog channel operating basics
3 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscope Printable Help