Waveform acquisition concepts
Acquisition concepts
The Acquisition system sets which data points are used to acquire waveforms.
Acquisition hardware
Before a signal is displayed, it must pass through the input channel where it is scaled and digitized. Each channel has a dedicated input
amplifier and digitizer. Each channel produces a stream of digital data from which the instrument extracts waveform records.
Sampling process
Acquisition is the process of
sampling an analog signal,
converting it into digital data,
and assembling it into a
waveform record, which is
then stored in acquisition
Waveform record
The instrument builds the waveform record through use of the following parameters:
• Sample interval: The time between sample points.
• Record length: The number of samples required to fill a waveform record.
• Trigger point: The zero time reference in a waveform record.
• Horizontal position: When horizontal delay is off, the horizontal position is a percentage of the waveform record between 0 and 99.9
percent. The trigger point and the horizontal reference are at the same time in the waveform record. For example, if the horizontal
position is 50 percent, then the trigger point is in the middle of the waveform record. When horizontal delay is on, the time from the
trigger point to the horizontal reference is the horizontal delay.
Waveform acquisition concepts
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