Appendix: NC401VFD Master Station
This appendix will review how to use the new interface NC401VFD Master Station.
The NC401VFD Master Station is completely self-contained, including a 4×40 Vacuum Fluorescent Dis-
play, 20 programmable function buttons, alphanumeric and navigational keys, and a pull-out drawer with
quick reference user instructions. The NC401VFD displays up to 4 incoming calls simultaneously and
allows staff to select or scroll to any active call using navigational keys on the keypad. Staff may answer
calls via the loudspeaker (controlled by the
button) or via the handset. The master station is usually
located on a desk or countertop, within easy reach of facility staff.
The following pages will show the navigation charts for various devices and menus.
TekTone Sound and Signal Mfg., Inc. All Rights Reserved
IL1068 Tek-CARE Master Station User Guide
Appendix: NC401VFD Master Station