Kona All-in-One Home Sensor User Guide
Version 1.1
TEKTELIC Communications Inc.
Page 15 of 26
The switch function can be configured to sense open to close events, close to open events or
both types of events. For example, if the Sensor is being used for sensing access to a door and is
set to read both event types, it will record an event each time the door is opened and each time
it is closed. The reporting of these events be set by the customer to report after a number of
events has occurred. If it is set to 0, no events are reported. If it is set to 1, it reports after each
event. If it is set to
, it will report after
events. This setting has a range of (
𝑛 =
) 0 to 65535
External Connection
The Home Sensor Base model contains an External Connection. The internal, control, and
reporting interfaces of the External Connection are similar to, but independent from, the
Magnetic Switch in the Base model
. See Section 1.3.5 for a description of the event function
configuration and reporting count feature, which are similar to those of External Connection.
The External Connection electrical interface is designed to be connected to an open-drain
output, however the signal line can also be driven with digital signals at 1.8 V logic levels. The
physical connector used and its mating connector are listed in Table 4. The Home Sensor is not
supplied with an external connection jumper cable. The link in Table 4 is a suggested cable. It is
the customer's responsibility to modify the cable harness for their application. The connection
cable length should NOT exceed 3 meters. Do not connect to an outdoor device. See Section 2.6
for connector pin assignment.
Table 4: Kona All-in-One Home Sensor Interface Connector Types
Sensor Connector
Mating Jumper Cable (300mm)
External Connector
JST A02ZR02ZR28H305B
Moisture Detection Transducer
The Home Sensor Base model contains a Moisture Detector. The Moisture Detection
Transducer is built into the bottom surface of the Base model housing (screw side). The
transducer senses changes in capacitance at the bottom surface of the Sensor housing in the
presence of moisture. In other words, the moisture is detected at 0 mm range from the bottom
surface (the bottom surface should get moist). This transducer is best suited to sensing the
presence of water. The transducer is sensitive materials in the sensing region so the trigger set
The Magnetic Switch and External Connection are no longer linked in Rev D modules (as they were in previous
revisions), and have independent circuits.