Conventional Optical Somoke Detector
Installation & Operating Guide
Issue Date: 23/03/2018
Important Warnings
Before using the device read this manual carefully. Keep it just in case of necessity.
Abide all the rules and precautions stated in the manual. Follow all the instructions one by one.
Keep the devices away from water and moisture
Do not energize the device above or below the given limits of extreme hot or cold conditions,
10°C and +
Relative Humidity:
%95 RH max
Do not try to fix the device on your own. Removal of cover may end up with electricity shock.
In case of any defect or malfunction, contact with your dealer or with authorized service. All the technical
interventions have to be done by technicians of company.
Malfunctions that require technical service
In case of any malfunction or below conditions contact with your authorized service,
When Mains cable or the plug is harmed,
Contact of device with a fluid,
Exposure of rain and water,
Fell down of device or harmed outer cover,
Serious performance fall on the device,
Depending on the instructions stated in manual, if your device not working properly
Contact with your authorized service in such terms.
Maintenance on your own
Do not try to fix the device on your own. Removal of cover may end up with electricity shock. In case of any
defect or malfunction, contact with your dealer or with authorized service. All the technical interventions have
to be done by technicians of company. Device must be cleaned up with a dry fabric. No-chemicals are
allowed for cleaning
Device must be carefully transported avoiding all physical bump, stroke and possible fluid entry. Malfunctions
that caused by improper transportation is not under warranty.
Human and Environmental Health
This device contains no chemical or biological elements that could harm human condition.
General Features
Advanced smoke detection algorithm that minimizes false alarms
Rejection of transient signals that can be detected as alarms
Adaptive intelligent protection by constantly sampling the environment
Dust algorithm and warning to understand that it is getting polluted and unable to detect
Easy to clean smoke chamber
Ability to connect an remote indicator
Two leds used for status indicators
15s start time
Compatible with TFA-0120 Universal Detector Base
Technical Features
Power Input
Average Current Consumption
30uA (@24V)
Maximum Alarm Current
50mA (@24V)
(470ohm resistance limited)
Maximum External Device Current
10mA (@24V)
(2K2 resistance limited)
Operating Temperature Range
C ~ +70
C (14
F ~ 158
95% RH (max)
Dimensions (mm)
Ø110, h42
Housing Material
White Color, ABS Plastic
Used Cable Cut
0.4mm ² ~ 1.5mm ²
Weight (incl. Base / excluding base)
183 gr / 125 gr
Startup Time
15 sec
Indicator Leds
Blue Led
Red Led
When the unit is first energized for
15 s, while sampling the
Blinks for 5s period
Any error condition
(dust or power failure)
Blinks for 1s period
In normal operating condition
Blinks for 20s period
In alarm condition
It is constantly lit
Number 1
Negative (-) power input
Number 2
Negatif(-) input of the remote indicator
Number 3
Positive supply out and Positive (+) input of remote indicator
Number 4
Positive (+) power input
Number 5
Earth connection
Do not attempt to remove the electronic board from its plastic case. The electronic board is
closed for your safety. Users should avoid from interference.