Flyer TBSHTP01
Air Humidity, Temperature and Barometric Pressure Sensor Manual
© 2012 Tekbox Digital Solutions
50/11 Truong Son, F2 | Q. Tan Binh | Ho Chi Minh City | Tel +84 (83)5471340 | E-mail [email protected]| www.tekbox.net
The TBSHTP01 is an air humidity and temperature sensor with SDI-12 interface. The sensor uses
a single chip sensor element which measures both temperature and air humidity. An additional
MEMS chip measures barometric pressure.
Each sensor chip is individually factory-calibrated.
The RHT sensor chip is protected with a PBT filter cap carrying a PTFE membrane with 1.5µm
pore size.
The TBSHTP01 Board is conformally coated. An fine grid nylon mesh provides additional dust and
insect protection
The sensor including bend protection has a length of 115mm and a diameter of 12mm.
Air humidity, temperature and barometric
pressure sensor
SDI-12 Interface
Temperature resolution: 0.01°C
Temperature accuracy tolerance:
+5°C to + 60°C: typ. ±0.2°C, max. ±0.4°C
-40°C to +5°C: max. ±1°C
+60°C to +85°C: max. ±0.75°C
Air humidity resolution: 0.04% RH
Air humidity accuracy tolerance:
10% to 90%: typ. ±1.8%RH, max. ±2%RH
0% to 10%: typ. ±3%RH, max. ±4%RH
90% to 100%: typ. ±3%RH, max. ±4%RH
Barometric pressure range: 300-1100hPa
(+9000 …-500m above sea level)
Barometric pressure resolution: 0,02hPa
Barometric pressure accuracy: ±1hPa
SDI-12 Standard V1.3
Plug and Play
6 - 16V supply voltage
Housing: 115 mm, Ø 12 mm
Operating Temperature Range:
40°C … + 85°C
Excellent price-performance ratio
Target Applications
SDI-12 Sensor Networks
TBSHTP01 air humidity, air temperature and barometric pressure sensor