Teikoku USA | Chempump
Instruction Manual HE-10677-P (1018)
On most Type R (Plane 13-SE) pumps there is a restriction orifice
that must be installed on the reverse circulation flange of the rear
bearing housing.
The design and installation of the reverse circulation line must be
in accordance with reverse piping layout drawing shown it
B. Reverse Circulation (4N-7653)
When it is necessary to connect two or more pumps to the same
suction and discharge lines, provide gate valves so that any
pump can be isolated from the line. Install gate valves with stems
horizontal to avoid air pockets. Globe valves should be avoided,
particularly where NPSH is critical.
A vent line back to the suction vessel is required in the discharge
pipe. The connection for the vent line in the discharge pipe must
be between the pump discharge flange and the first block valve
and/or check valve. The vent line can also be used as the mini-
mum flow line.
If discharge pipe length is normal, pipe diameter can be the same
size as the pump discharge port diameter. If discharge piping is
of considerable length, use one or two size larger diameter pipe.
If the pump is to discharge into a closed system, an elevated tank
or if there are multiple pumps connected together, place a check
valve in the discharge line close to the pump.
Install properly sized pressure gauges in suction and dis-
charge lines between the pump and the first block and/or check
valve so that operation of the pump and system can be easily
observed. Should cavitation, vapor lock, or unstable operation oc-
cur, widely fluctuating discharge pressures will be observed. Such
gauges provide a positive means of determining actual system
conditions and can be used to great advantage in evaluating sys-
tem problems.
2.3 Electrical
2.3.1 General
Except where indicated, all Teikoku Type-R (Plan 13-SE) are started
with full line voltage. Refer to
for checking direction
of rotation. Also see
for proper wiring connections.
2.3.2 Starting Equipment
Motor starters (normally not supplied with Teikoku Type-R (Plan
13-SE)) should be sized to handle the load required. The full load
amps and start KVA data is listed on the nameplate.
The thermal overload protective devices in the starters should
be sized for the amperage shown on the Teikoku Type-R (Plan
13-SE) nameplate. Do not size thermal overload protective de-
vices in excess of 10% of full load amp rating. In order to provide
complete protection for Teikoku Type-R (Plan 13-SE) motors under
all conditions, it is recommended that quick-trip (Class 10) type
thermal overload protective devices be used in the starters where
available. Standard thermal overload protective devices provide
adequate protection for Teikoku Type-R (Plan 13-SE) motors un-
der starting or normal running conditions, but require a greater
length of time than quick-trip-type thermal overload protective
devices to cut out if the motor is subject to locked rotor or over-
load conditions.
2.3.3 TRG Bearing Wear Monitor
The TRG is an electrical meter that continuously monitors the
condition of the bearings. The TRG is mounted on the electrical
junction box as standard.
The TRG meter operates on the principle of induced voltage.
There are two TRG coils located inside the stator 180° apart. A
magnetic field is created in the stator by current flowing through
the stator windings. When the rotor is perfectly centered in the
stator, the two magnetic fields are essentially balanced. When
bearing wear occurs and the gap between the rotor and stator
decreases, an imbalance in the magnetic fields causes a differen-
tial induced voltage in the TRG coils. This differential voltage is
indicated on the TRG voltmeter.
The initial indication of the TRG meter is not constant because it
is influenced by the operating load. Initial indication of up to 0.4
should be allowed.
Keeping records of the TRG meter reading in conjunction with
motor amp readings will provide a good indication of when the
pump will require maintenance.
Table 2-1. Conditions indicated on the TRG Meter
The TRG meter has a colored scale which is divided into three zones: Green (0 to 0.5), Yellow (0.5 to 0.75), Red (0.75 to 1)
User Actions
Full scale or 1-Volt
reverse rotation
change power cable
No action
Yellow to Red
phase failure
check connection of
Yellow or voltage increase of
> 0.3 V from initial indication
Bearings worn to
caution level
Plan routine
connection is correct
Red or voltage increased of
> 0.5 V from initial indication
maintenance required
Shutdown immediately
and replace worn parts
Do not operate if TRG meter condition is RED.