Teikoku USA | Chempump
Instruction Manual HE-10677-P (1018)
4. Maintenance
4.1 Recommended Tools for Disassembly,
Reassembly, and Inspection
Metric socket wrenches For pump casing, rear bearing housing
bolts, rear shaft sleeve retaining bolt, and
impeller retaining bolt.
Metric hex wrenches
For bearing retaining screws.
For front bearing housing retaining bolts.
.200" or greater
travel dial indicator
To measure endplay.
Dial calipers
To measure bearing wear.
Feeler gauges
To measure “g” gap.
Torque wrench
To measure bolt tightness.
Channel-lock pliers
To bend up tabs on lock washers.
4.2 Disassembly
Observe and adhere to the end user specific lock out tag
out procedures.
1. Fully close valves in discharge, suction, reverse circulation and
utility piping.
2. Disconnect the power cables from the connection box prior
to disassembly.
Safety hazard to personnel will exist if power cables
are not disconnected.
3. Drain pump per end user specific procedures.
4. Since piping loads may exist, insert bracing under piping.
5. Remove discharge, suction and reverse circulation flange bolting.
Always assume that there is liquid left in the pump.
6. Remove anchor bolting in order to slide pump out of piping.
7. Remove casing bolts and slide casing off. Be careful not to
allow the casing to bind to or drop onto the impeller and
inducer. Be careful not to spill any remaining liquid that may
have been trapped in casing. Remove casing gasket.
8. Measure and record the end play and the “g” gap before
further disassembly. See
9. To remove impeller, extend tabs of lock washer and remove
impeller bolt, Slide impeller and, if supplied, inducer off rotor
shaft. Be careful of small parts that can be lost.
10. Remover impeller key.
11. Remove socket head cap screws and remove front bearing
housing from stator assembly.
Exercise care while removing this housing because of
liquids which may be contained in the stator assembly.
12. Remove impeller adjusting washer(s). Record quantity and
thickness. The adjusting washer(s) may come off the shaft
with the front bearing housing.
13. Remove rear bearing housing bolts and remove rear
bearing housing from stator assembly. Remove rear bearing
housing gasket.
Exercise care while removing this housing because of
liquids which may be contained in the stator assembly.
14. Remove rotor assembly. Place on a clean cloth to avoid dam-
age. During the removal of the rotor, take care in handling to
prevent damage to the rotor or stator because the rotor will
drop once the armature clears the stator assembly and the
rotor shaft may hit the stator liner if not properly supported.
15. Remove front shaft sleeve and front thrust collar. Remove
anti-rotation pin/key.
Do not forcibly remove shaft sleeve. If shaft sleeve does
not slide off easily it may be required to machine or cut
the shaft sleeve off the rotor shaft.
16. To remove rear shaft sleeve and thrust collar, bend tabs up on
lock washer and unscrew bolt. This bolt has left hand threads.
17. Remove rear shaft sleeve and rear thrust collar. Remove anti-
rotation pin/key.
18. To remove bearing, remove set screw, slide out bearing, and
remove flat washer.
19. Remove bearing adjusting washer(s) from rear bearing hous-
ing. Note quantity and measure thickness.
4.3 Inspection
4.3.1 Bearings
Check the following points:
1. Thrust face for scratches and chips. Refer to
for excess wear on thrust surface. (Check this dimension after
bearing has been removed.)
2. Wear inside of bearing bore. Refer to