10 TEGAM WAY • GENEVA, OHIO 44041 440-466-6100 • FAX 440-466-6110 • www.tegam.com
Section V – Maintenance and Servicing
AVM-2000 does not operate with line power and internal rechargeable battery does
not charge or the battery charge indicator continuously displays ERR.
AC Power Module is not plugged in or is not connected.
Action: Check the connections at both ends. Power Supply Subsystem fuse is blown.
Action: Replace the fuse with one of the same type and value. If the Power Supply Subsystem fuse
continues to blow, the Power Supply Subsystem or one of the subsystems it feeds is defective.
Action: Disconnect the balance of the AVM-2000 from the Power Supply Subsystem by removing
connector J4.
If the fuse continues to blow, disconnect the battery, J3, and measure the open circuit battery
If the open circuit battery voltage lies between 5.3 and 7.0 volts, the Power Supply Subsystem is
Action: replace the Power Supply Subsystem
If the open circuit battery voltage is substantially below 5.3 volts, the battery has one or more shorted
Action: Replace the battery.
If the fuse does not continue to blow, the problem lies with either the Front Panel or Isolated Analog
Action: Disconnect the Isolated Analog Subsystem from the Front Panel Subsystem by unplugging
connector J2 of the Front Panel Subsystem.
If the fuse continues to blow, the Front Panel Subsystem is defective.
Action: Replace the Front Panel Subsystem.
If the fuse no longer blows, the Isolated Analog Subsystem is defective.
Action: Replace the Isolated Analog Subsystem.