MA7200 PLUS Operating Manual
TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company Cn-10 - Cn-11 Parameter Details
9.2.2 Parameters Cn- (Control Parameters)
- Input Voltage Setting (Range depends on inverter voltage class. See parameter summary)
Set the inverter voltage to match the input power supply voltage (e.g. : 200V / 230V, 380V /415V /440V /460V
Cn-02 to Cn-08
- V/F Curve Parameter Settings (See parameter summary for setting range)
The V/F curve can be set to either one of the preset curves (Sn-02 = 0 -14) or a customer set curve (Sn-02 = 15).
Cn-02 - Cn-08 can be set by the user when Sn-02 is set to 15. The user-defined V/F curve can be specified
using the settings of Cn-02 - Cn-08 as shown in Fig. The factory default setting is a straight line for the
V/F curve (Cn-05=Cn-07, Cn-06 is not used) as shown below in Fig. for the 230V / 60Hz example.
Fig. User Defined V/F Curve
When operating at low speed (<3Hz), a larger torque can be generated by increasing the slope of V/F curve.
However, the motor temperature will increase due to over-excitation and may result in a fault. Based on the
applied load, adjust the V/F curve and observe the magnitude of the motor current.
The four frequency settings must satisfy the following relationship, otherwise an error message “V/F Curve
Invalid” will be displayed.
(a) Max. output freq.
Max. voltage freq.
Mid. Output freq.
Min. output freq.
(Cn-04) (Cn-05) (Cn-07)
(b) Max. output volt.
Mid. output volt.
Min. output voltage
(Cn-03) (Cn-06)
If Mid. Output frequency (Cn-05) = Min. output frequency (Cn-07), the setting (Cn-06) is not effective.
Motor Rated Current (10% - 200% of the inverter rated output current)
Electronic overload thermal reference current
The factory setting depends upon the capacity type of inverter (Sn-01).
The setting range is 10% - 200% of the inverter rated output current.
Set the rated current to that shown on the motor nameplate if not using a TECO 4-pole motor.