TE470/TE480 Instruction
The main screen shows a range of information after each run cycle, both for the cycles run in weld mode, with
the control unit set to WELD mode, and for the cycles run in NO WELD mode.
The values displayed in the following description are for reference only.
This is what is displayed by the screen of the TE470 control unit:
Pr01 12455 104°
08.0 ~ 12.3kA
1. Pr01
It indicates the program used for the last weld sequence; it may be a number between 01 and 63. It is displayed
both in WELD and in NO WELD mode.
2. 12455
This is the run welds counter; the number ranges from 00000 to 65000. It updates only in WELD mode and
resets through keys
3. 104°
It indicates the current conduction angle of the last weld. In WELD mode, it may have a value between 000° and
180°. In NO WELD mode, the displayed value is 000°. The conduction angle represents the current flowing time
along the half-cycle. The displayed value represents the average of the measured values for each half-cycle of
the welding time.
The showed value always refers to the main adjustment, basically to the WELD parameter one. In no instance is
the conduction angle of the current measured during the slope time. In the case of pulse weldings, the angle
value would refer to the last pulse.
Examples of currents having different conduction angles:
4. 08.0 ~
Indicates the welding time of the last weld. In WELD mode the value is between 00.5 and 99.5. In NO WELD
mode the displayed value is 00.0.
5. 12.3 kA
Indicates the value of the current with which the last weld was performed. In WELD mode the value ranges from
00.0 kA to 36.0 kA. In NO WELD mode the value is 00.00kA.
It represents the average of the RMS
values measured for every weld time half-period. The displayed value
always refers to the main adjustment i.e. to that of the WELD parameter. In the case of impulse welds, the
current value will always be the average value of all the impulses.