Tech Model Products L.L.C.
800 Village Walk # 172
Guilford CT 06437
Rev B 4/03/10
Twinn Rexx Assembly Manual
The Twinn Rexx is a second-generation tandem helicopter that incorporates the latest components that
current technology can offer. It’s flight performance and capabilities far exceed that of any other tandem
model available on the market today. It’s sturdy construction has been designed to be easily repaired and
maintained and uses many common-place TRex 450 parts. Welcome to tandem country !
Safety Notice
The Twinn Rexx tandem helicopter is not a toy and can cause severe injury or death if not properly assembled
or operated. It is not for beginners and should only be assembled/operated by those experienced and
qualified. Eye protection is recommended anytime the rotors are turning.
Other Documentation
See the Twinn Rexx support section on our website for additional information and documents.