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3) The noise level of SansAmp is exceptionally low. However, it may amplify noise emanat-
ing from the input source.To minimize noise going into the SansAmp Bass Driver, we recommend
active electronic instruments have the volume set at unity gain/maximum and tone controls posi-
tioned flat. If you need to boost, do so slowly and sparingly.

Also check for pickup interference by moving your guitar or turning the volume off. Be aware sin-
gle coil pickups are more likely to generate noise.

4) Preset and Sample Setting levels and tones will vary depending on the bass, amp and
cabinet you use.They were determined using a “typical” bass and cabinet, and are provided as a
starting point. So, some adjustments may be necessary, particularly to the Level control. For
instance, if you have a high output bass, a clean setting will be louder than a distorted one.
Conversely, a low output bass will require a higher level for a clean setting. If you have a big cabi-
net, the Fat Tube setting will be louder.With a smaller cabinet, the Flip Top setting will be louder.

5) REMEMBER THIS WARNING: DO NOT run the speaker output of any amp
directly into the SansAmp. Severe damage to the amp and/or SansAmp may result.


To reset your unit back to factory specifications, you can simply reprogram each of the Sample

(1) Fat Tube          (2) Flip Top         (3) Distorted Bass

[Bank B]

(4) Slap

(5) SVT


-style     (6) Crimson-style

Or you can perform the following procedure: Hold down the footswitches for Channels 1 and 3
while simultaneously applying power (either plugging in an adapter or, if a battery is installed, plug-
ging in your guitar cable).Then release the switches.

