5. Programming Procedure
Process Step: Aspirate
C:X P:Y Asp.
- + other yes
Asp.Time: 4 sec
- + exit yes
AspSpeed: 10mm/s
- + exit yes
- + other yes
Select required aspirating time
(1 - 20 seconds)
Select required aspirating speed
(1 - 20 mm/sec)
The speed that the needles are lowered into the wells.
Select and confirm Aspirating step
Select next type of step
C:X = cycle number
P:Y = process step for this cycle
Process Step: Wash
This process step is used to aspirate solution out of the wells and simultaneously
dispense and aspirate the solution.
Select required Dispensing position
(overflow or bottom)
C:X P:Y Wash
- + other yes
Dispense Overfl
- + exit yes
Volume: 300ul
- + exit yes
Select the channel to be used
(1 - 4)
Select the volume of solution to be used
(50 - 3000 µl in increments of 50 µl)
(50 - 400 µl in increments of 50 µl for drip mode)
Select and confirm Wash step
- + other yes
Channel: 1
- + exit yes
AspSpeed: 10mm/s
- + exit yes
Select required aspirating speed
(1 - 20 mm/sec)
The speed that the needles are lowered into the wells.
Select next type of step
If a Cell Washing procedure is to be performed using the Drip Mode in
conjunction with a 384 Well Manifold, then the Wash procedure should
be programmed by using the individual program steps: Asp. and Disp.
The process step "Wash" should not be used!
May 2003
Instructions for Use for Columbus Washer No. I 109 006 Rev No. 2.2