8-5. Remote Sense
Before connecting the sensor, set which type will be con-
nected in advance.
Options: Used (6-wire format)
Unused (4-wire format)
Incorrect connections or settings could cause damage to sensors.
8-6. Minimum Scale Selection
Set the minimum digital change of the indicator value.
Options: 1, 2, 5, 10
8-7. Display Frequency Selection
Select the number of times that the indicator value is shown
per second.
Options: 4, 6, 10, 20
8-8. Maximum Display Value
Set the highest displayed value.
The default value is set to 110% of the rated capacity.
If this value is exceeded, the STATUS indicator will light magenta.
The input value will be checked with a value converted to
match the input signal.
If the value converted to match the input exceeds 5.0 mmV/V,
the setting value will be adjusted to be equivalent to 5.0 mmV/V.
The default value will be checked in the same manner and
adjusted if necessary.
8-9. Sensor Input Logic
The sensor input logic can be reversed artificially.
Normally, “Standard” should be used.
“Reversed” does not electrically reverse the input.
After changing this setting, always redo zero.
8-10. Zero Balancing
You can conduct zero balancing even without resetting the
calibration value.
Set Calibration Value Lock to OFF.
See “8-1-1. Locking and unlocking calibration values” on
page 36.
With no load on the sensor, press and hold the
ZERO button or send a Zero Balancing command.
During zero balancing, the STATUS indicator will become
Set Calibration Value Lock to ON.
Zero balancing cannot be conducted during static strain display.
8-11. Zero Point Input Calibration
Set the zero point output value.
Any desired output value can be set as the zero point.
8-12. Digital Zero
The current indicator value becomes zero.
The range in which the digital zero can be adjusted is the
range set by the Digital Zero Limit Value.
Digital zero is cleared by turning off the power supply or
using Clear Digital Zero.
The digital zero function cannot be executed during static
strain display.
8. Calibration