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Figure 11
Software Installation
1. Verify that the TopWin software version on the machine is:
12.4 or newer for Komax leadmaker A355, A355S, A356
13.2 or newer for Komax leadmaker G263
13.3 or newer for Komax leadmaker A488S
14.1 or newer for Komax leadmaker A477, A488
14.2 or newer for Komax leadmaker Z633
2. Install the TE server application on the machine by copying the file
“ApplicatorDataSetup_Version_5.0.6.exe” (or newer) to the machine.
When this file is executed, it will install the TE server application and necessary utilities.
During the installation:
— the installer
accept the software license agreement,
— the software license agreement
be accepted by the operator,
— and the installer must have administrator’s rights to install the programs.
During installation, the following will happen:
a. ErrorLogService will install,
b. DNSDiscoverService will install,
c. TE InterfaceII dll will install,
d. Postgres database will install and build the database,
e. Shortcuts will be created in the START menu in "Start->All Programs->ApplicatorData", and
f. A program will enable all the ports necessary in the firewall to allow the TEServerApp and utilities
to operate properly.
Phone Cable
2 Kits Shown
Back Right Side
of Terminator
Cable Probe
Inline Coupler
TopWin is a trademark.
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