consisted locomotives, nor is it enabled or disabled by entering or disbanding a consist; however, it is a
feature which many users may find most useful when operating a locomotive which is frequently added to
and removed from consists.
If this feature is enabled, the command station will keep in its memory separate controls and registers for
Button 0 when traveling in the forward direction and the reverse direction. This means that if you are
traveling in the forward direction and press button 0, the forward headlight will come on. When you change
directions to reverse, the reverse headlight will be off until you press Button 0 again. Your throttle will reflect
this as well, by toggling the function status on-screen when you change direction.
NOTE: This feature assumes that your decoder is in a “default” state where F0F and F0R outputs from your
decoder are tied to the same button (F0), and are configured for directional lighting. This feature may break
Rule 17 configurations of your decoder depending on the implementation from the decoder manufacturer.
Directional Control is also available as F100 under Menu > Operations > Loco Functions on TCS throttles.
This controls the same setting and is persistent across power cycles.
4.5.2 Blank F0 Forward/Reverse
Blank F0 Forward means that the headlight will not come on when the direction on the throttle is Forward.
This setting is helpful when there is a train or other engines coupled to the loco at the front coupler. Similar
for Reverse, with the rear coupler.
These options are available as F101/F102 under Menu > Operations > Loco Functions on TCS throttles.
When changing these settings, the MU switch will be adjusted in the Roster Settings, and persisted across
power cycles.
5 Operating Trains
5.1 Speed and Function Operations
When the command station is powered up, all locomotives will be set to speed zero, forward, with all
functions off. To begin running a train, use the “select loco” function of your connected throttle and type in
an address or select a locomotive from the active locomotives list.
The CS-105 supports F0 to F68 for DCC decoders, and F0 to F4 for Märklin-Motorola decoders.
The default selection is 128 speed steps for DCC decoders, and protocol version II for M/M decoders. To
change the speed step mode, open the Roster Settings of the given locomotive, and modify the Speed Step
Mode setting. This setting will be saved in persistent storage and the CS-105 will remember it after a power
The TCS Command System supports more than one throttle driving the same locomotive. When one
throttle changes the locomotive speed or functions, other throttles will automatically update their screen.
5.2 Consisting
The TCS Command System uses the LCC protocol for consisting. Consists can be created by any LCC
throttle (such as the UWT-100, UWT-50, LT-50 or T-50 throttles by TCS). Consists can be set up not only
across DCC locomotives, but using an arbitrary mixture of DCC, M/M, or direct LCC (wireless) locomotives.
Protocol version II allows directional 14 speed steps and controlling F0 to F4 functions.
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