Max Snap Stand
29797 Beck Road • Wixom, MI 48393-2834
phone: (800) 521-7567 • www.tapcoint.com
A Division of Tapco International
Operating Instructions
S n a p
S t a n d
S n a p
S t a n d
M a x S n a p S t a n d
Counter Balance Assembly Instructions
Setting up your
Max Snap Stand .................. 2
Installing a Brake on your
Max Snap Stand ...............2-3
Removing Brake from
Max Snap Stand .................. 3
Counter Balance Step
Assembly Instructions ........ 4
Removal is the reverse of assembly. Lift up on the steps to release them from the
legs, and slide the assembly to the right until the connectors are free of the legs.
Attach the Connectors to the Steps using the carriage bolts and nuts provided. The square
portion of the carriage bolt will fall into the square holes that are punched in the Connector.
Tighten securely using a 7/16" wrench. See figure 5 above for Connector orientation.
To attach the Step Assembly to the Snap Stand, hold the assembly at an angle as shown and slide both
connectors leftward over both legs of the Snap Stand as far as they will go. Allow the connectors to slip
down the legs until the steps are fl at and touching the ground. The connectors should be gripping the front
and back of each leg. Standing on the steps while bending will lock the connectors in place on the legs.
T4043 Max Snap Stand Inst.indd 2-3
8/18/04 2:32:35 PM