TANDBERG Intern MXP Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Combining a TANDBERG Edge MXP with an IV stand,

the TANDBERG Intern MXP is ideal for applications 

that require a portable, self-contained video solution,

such as healthcare, emergency response, homeland

security and manufacturing.

D E S I G N   F E AT U R E S

24" 16:9 Flat screen 
LCD display
Slim mobile unit with
shelf and basket for 
convenient connection 
of peripherals such 
as a laptop, medical 
imaging equipment 
and additional cameras
Choice of Edge MXP with
PrecisionHD camera or
Set-Top with Wave camera
Optional package includes
additional storage and
scope holder


Join up to 4 video and 3
audio sites with embedded
MultiSite functionality
Share records or images
live through one-step 
PC plug-in (PC Presenter) 
or LAN connection 


View records or images 
and an of f-site exper t or
audience simultaneously
with DuoVideo and 
H.239 Dual Stream 
TANDBERG Expressway



P E R F O R M A N C E   F E AT U R E S

Choice of Network: up to
512 kbps ISDN or external
network (H.320)/2 Mbps
IP (H.323 or SIP)
Superior video quality
incorporating the 
H.264 standard
embedded encr yption 
to meet HIPAA compliance
for patient confidentiality
regardless of network type
Tested and listed to UL
2601-1 and CSA 601.1
regulator y standards 
for approval in patient 
contact environments
PC card slot for wireless
LAN connection




P R O T E C T   Y O U R   T E C H N O L O G Y   I N V E S T M E N T   W I T H

TA N D B E R G ’ S   P O R T F O L I O   O F  

C O N S TA N T   C A R E   S E R V I C E S .

V I S I T   W W W. TA N D B E R G . C O M

Superior video quality with the TANDBERG 

PrecisionHD Camera

w w w . T A N D B E R G . c o m

