The A100EH electronic controller activates the automatic functions of the
machine and also enables the operator to manually operate the machine.
This unit should be mounted in the tractor cab within in reach and where it
can be conveniently viewed by the operator. A suction pad is supplied with
the controller, this should be used mount it (usually to the side window of
the cab). The controller’s 12v electrical supply is connected with a 3 pin euro
plug which is compatible with the socket found on most modern tractors. If
the tractor does not have a 3 pin euro socket then one should be fitted with
the power cables going straight to the battery. The controller is protected
from electrical overload with two 15amp fuses in an enclosure on the power
cable. The controller is connected to the communication cable from the
machine with a 24 pin connector. Take care when connecting this cable and
also ensure that the cables is not under strain and will not be damaged by
sharp edges or the movement of the machine.
The controller is not waterproof so it should be protected from rain and
stored indoors when not in use.
A100 EH Operator’s Manual
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