TM8000 3DK Hardware Developer’s Kit
Application Manual
Programmable I/O Lines
September 2003
© Tait Electronics Ltd
Unmute Audio Output Path
This input signal is used to open the mute of selected audio paths to allow
audio to be received. This allows the signal to go through to the speaker (e.g.
for beeps of an external device, a public address system, or an external voice
recorder). Please refer also to
Configure an input line and associate it with this action. Set the active
state (high or low) and the debounce time (0 to 100 ms).
On the same form, configure an option to unmute the audio output
of the speaker output path, the auxiliary output path, or all output
The response time for both activation and deactivation is approx. 2ms plus
debounce time.
When this input line is activated, the radio unmutes the configured audio
output path(s). If a higher priority mute condition exists, activation of this
line will have no effect.
When this input line is deactivated, the audio output paths reverts to their
previous state. If higher priority unmute condition exists, deactivation of
this line will have no effect.
Related Actions
’ input signal activates the Rx audio path
’ input signal deactivates the audio PA.
’ input signal activates the audio PA.