Programmable I/O Lines
TM8000 3DK Hardware Developer’s Kit
Application Manual
September 2003
© Tait Electronics Ltd
External PTT 1 and 2
This input signal is used to configure an input line as an external PTT. Up
to two external PTT input lines can be assigned using the auxiliary and the
internal options connectors. All PTT lines may be active at any time, and
the PTT line with the highest priority controls the audio path. For more
information on PTT refer to the online help of the programming
Configure an input line and associate it with this action. Set the active state
(high or low) and the debounce time (0 to 100ms).
The response time is less than 8ms to 90% of full power plus debounce time.
When the input line is activated, the radio executes the PTT operation.
If the '
' or ‘
’ actions are active, no action
will result. If ‘
’ or ‘
’ action is activated
within 300µs following an activation of Activate External PTT action, the
external PTT action will not be initiated.
If the input line is active while the radio is powered up, it must be re-applied
for the action to be carried out.
Related Actions
The ‘
’ reports the PTT status by generating a logic
OR of all PTT sources programmed to reflect their status.