To use the measurement application the mouse and keyboard must be
connected as described on page 6.
Calibration sheets
When buying the measurement application you receive calibration
sheets from D to I for Dot grid calibration and a ruler for linear
calibration. Calibration sheets A, B and C are available at:
The calibration sheets provided can be used with lenses up to +10.
Use the custom Dot grid or linear calibration methods for 25
and higher.
new Calibration
When performing a calibration four current values are locked and
saved in the measurement software;
Zoom level
Focus height
Close-up lens
Scaling factor
After the calibration is performed, the proportions will only be
measurable within the focus area.
new Calibration - Dot griD
Advanced calibration is done automatically by placing a
predefined dot grid calibration sheet under the camera
and taking a picture.
While running the calibration, the software will automatically
compensate for lens curve distortion and non-linearity and carry out
calculations with a precision of sub-pixels.
Select a suitable magnification level
2. Press New calibration
3. Place the recommended calibration sheet straight under
your microscope, so that the top row of dots is visible
4. Select the recommended calibration sheet in the drop down
under Actual calibration sheet
5. Click Run Calibration and check if the result says PASS
If the calibration sheet is placed incorrectly, the calibration will fail. If
the Result says FAIL, try choosing to Live ON to adjust the position of the
calibration sheet and recalibrate by pressing Run calibration again.
6. Click OK to save the new calibration and close calibration state
7. Click Cancel to close without saving the calibration
new Calibration - lineary
This is a calibration method where you use a reference line
and state the line length. The measurement accuracy depends
the user’s diligence when drawing the reference line.
Linear calibration does not compensate for lens curve distortion.
Select a suitable magnification level
2. Press New calibration
3. Choose Lineary calibration in the drop down menu under Actual
calibration sheet
4. Find an object with measurable distances (eg. a ruler) and place it under
the microscope
5. Select Lineary calibration in the drop down menu
Select one of the predefined ruler lenghts from the dropdown menu
matching the actual length of your reference line
7. Place the markers according to the chosen ruler length
8. Adjust the image according to the appearing reference line
- zoom in and adjust the end points for increased precision
When measuring on a ruler, always measure from forefront to forefront
of the lines on the ruler
9. Click Run calibration
If the markers is placed incorrectly, the calibration will fail.
If the Result says FAIL, try switching Live OFF to zoom in and adjust the
position of the markers and recalibrate by pressing Run calibration again.
10. Click OK to save the calibration and close
11. Click Cancel to close without saving the calibration
tagarno MeasureMent appliCation | Calibration
mEasuREmEnT appliCaTiOn | CaliBRaTiOn (1/3)
10. mEasuREmEnT appliCaTiOn (Tma)