Musashi 3 NYX Chip Instructions
Built on the Musashi code base (hybrid debounce scheme)
Includes three fire modes: uncapped semi auto, capped semi auto, and
modified NXL/PSP
Continuously monitors the trigger switch through the entire firing cycle
ABS programming prevents first shot drop off
AMB algorithms help to eliminate mechanical bounce
Power efficient software lengthens battery life
Programming mode allows changes to debounce, dwell, loader delay,
AMB, fire mode, and fire mode max rate of fire
All settings are stored in non-volatile memory so they are not lost when
power is disconnected
One-touch startup enables the marker to fire instantly
Automatic 15-minute idle power down saves batteries
Force shot allows the marker to be fired when the eyes are enabled but
no object is present in the breech
Removal and installation of the chip on a NYX board must be carefully done to
ensure the chip and the electronics are not damaged.
Begin by removing the grips from the left side of the marker. This will expose the
entire circuit board. The chip is located in a socket near the bottom of the grip
frame. To remove, gently pry under each end with a small flathead screw driver.
Alternate sides until it is far enough out to remove with your fingers. Insert the
new chip, making sure it is aligned properly. A notch in one end of the chip lines
up with a notch in the socket and the white drawing on the surface of the board. If
the marker will not turn on and it is not due to a low battery or broken battery
harness, you may have installed the chip backwards.
LED Indicator
The multi-color LED that lights up on the back of the grip frame shows which
mode of operation the marker is currently in:
Solid Green
Ball in breech, ready to fire
Solid Red
No ball in breech
Slow Blinking Green
Eye malfunction, max rate of fire reduced
Slow Blinking Red
Eyes disabled, rate of fire limited to 20 balls per
second in mode 1; otherwise capped at fire
mode max rate of fire for fire modes 2 and 3
Power and Eye Operation
Pressing and releasing the power button turns the marker on. A solid red or green
LED in the grip frame indicates that the marker is ready to be fired.
The eyes are enabled when the marker is first turned on. To disable the eyes press
and hold the power button for 1 second. The LED will start slowly blinking red to
indicate the eyes are turned off.
To turn the marker off, press and hold the power button for 1 second again. The
marker will power down.
To determine if the eyes are working correctly
insert an object into the breech.
Check to see if the LED changes from red to green, and then back to red once the
object is removed.
The tournament lock must be disabled in order to change settings on the chip. The
dip switch functions as the tournament lock. To disable the tournament lock,
make sure the 4
dip switch is in the ON or UP position. While the marker is
turned off, pull and hold the trigger and turn the marker on. This will initiate the
programming mode, showing a rainbow color sequence. Then the LED will settle
on green.
Pulling and releasing the trigger quickly will toggle between the different
programming modes:
Orange Loader
Red Fire
Flickering Orange
Fire Mode Max Rate of Fire
When the LED is lit for the desired setting, press and hold the trigger until the
LED goes out. When you release the trigger, the LED will blink to show the
current setting. For example, if the current setting for debounce is 5, the LED will
blink green 5 times. Once the LED stops blinking, you have 2 seconds to begin
entering the new setting.
To enter the new setting, pull the trigger the desired number of times. For example,
to set the debounce to 2, you must pull the trigger 2 times. Every time you pull the
trigger the LED will light. After all settings have been changed, turn the marker
off, using the power button.
Programming Example
If you want to set the dwell to 20, you should:
Make sure the marker is powered off and the tournament lock is disabled (4
dip switch in the UP/ON position).
Pull the trigger and push the power button to turn on the marker.
The LED shows green. This is the debounce mode.
Quickly pull and release the trigger 1 time to switch to the dwell mode. The
LED will show red.
Pull and HOLD the trigger until the LED turns off.
Release the trigger. The LED will blink out the current setting.
When the LED stops blinking, enter the new setting by pulling the trigger 20
Wait until the LED turns back on, indicating programming has been
Turn the marker off.
– The Musashi software features a hybrid debounce scheme that uses
microcontroller cycles to debounce the pull of the trigger and ½ ms time
increments to debounce the release. This results in a very effective debounce
algorithm that does not hinder the user at any setting. At low debounce settings,
however, it may cause the marker to read switch bounce as additional pulls, falsely
generating shots or near full automatic fire. The setting ranges from 1 to 50 and is
defaulted at 5. Debounce is only used in fire modes 1 and 2 (semi-automatic
unlimited and capped). In modified NXL/PSP mode the debounce is locked at a
high setting.
The amount of time the solenoid is energized each time the marker is
fired. The default is 18 ms. The range is 10 to 30 ms. Too low of a dwell may lead
to inconsistency or drop off. Too high of a dwell can cause bad air efficiency.
Loader Delay
– Adds a slight delay after the eye has seen a ball and the bolt is
cycled, causing the gun to fire. If not using force fed loaders, it may be necessary
to increase this setting to prevent chopping. A setting of 1 means no loader delay,
The default is 2 and may be set from 1 to 50.
which is the fastest.
– Allows the user to adjust the anti-mechanical bounce feature. Mechanical
bounce occurs with the Matrix due to the kick generated during each shot and can
cause the marker to “run away,” firing even after the trigger has been released.
AMB helps stop markers from going full auto when the trigger is pulled very
slowly. The default is 2 and may be set from 1 to 5 (1 being off). AMB is only
used in fire modes 1 and 2 (semi-automatic unlimited and capped). In modified
NXL/PSP mode AMB is disabled.