This micro receiver is intended for small
electric aircraft. Its SLT protocol makes
it compatible with all Tactic brand
2.4GHz aircraft transmitters, and other brand radios that include the SLT
protocol. Micro servo connectors help to achieve the smallest size and weight.
Refer to the instructions with the aircraft to determine the optimum position for installing the receiver. In some aircraft it’s recommended
to fi rst wrap the receiver in protective foam, and then use hook-and-loop material to mount it to the aircraft.
Pay close attention to how the receiver/antenna is oriented inside the model. It’s best to keep the antenna
unobstructed from the outside of the model as much as possible.
Linking the TR424 receiver to the Tactic / SLT compatible transmitter ensures sole communication between the two, and prevents other
transmitters from being able to control the receiver. The TR424 includes an auto-linking process (no linking pushbutton). For best results,
link the TR424 to the intended transmitter before arriving at the fl ying site, then remove power. The linking procedure is as follows:
Do NOT apply power to the receiver before the intended transmitter is turned on! Otherwise, the TR424
may try to auto-link with another transmitter in the area which might also be broadcasting an SLT signal. Failure to do so
could result in the model’s motor/propeller suddenly starting to spin unexpectedly, and cause bodily injury.
1. Turn on the Tx.
2. Apply power to the Rx.
3. The TR424 should automatically link
to the transmitter, as indicated by the
receiver’s LED fl ashing once and then
staying on. This link should remain
intact even after power is removed from
the receiver.
4. Test for proper Tx/Rx functionality before
use. If the radio doesn’t appear to have
become properly linked, repeat steps
1–3 above. Remember that the TR424
receiver will link to the nearest Tactic
SLT transmitter which is broadcasting
a signal. If the TR424 is not pre-linked
to the proper Tx, make sure to move to
a location where the TR424 cannot see
a signal from other SLT transmitters and
re-link the Rx to the proper Tx.
If the Rx suddenly doesn’t recognize a signal
from the Tx, or the Rx is powered without
the transmitter being turned on or no other
SLT transmitter in the area is broadcasting
a signal, the receiver will go to failsafe mode
as described in the following section.
The radio system’s failsafe function is controlled by the TR424 receiver, which engages in the event that the signal from the Tx somehow
becomes interrupted.
The TR424’s failsafe settings are established EACH TIME power is applied and the TR424 is linked to
a host transmitter. Channels 1, 2, and 4 (aileron, elevator, rudder) will always hold their last recognized position when
failsafe activates.
But the position of the throttle channel can be set to any desired position. Each time before
power is applied to the TR424, make sure the Tx throttle stick is in the desired position for throttle control to automatically
defl ect in the event the TR424 goes to failsafe mode. Before each fl ight, it’s a good idea to safely check to make sure the
model’s throttle position moves to the proper level when failsafe activates.
Make sure the throttle channel’s servo reverse
setting is in the correct position for the application.
Check the instruction manual included with the Tactic radio for the proper steps to perform a system check before fl ight. The TR424 receiver
has an operating range of approximately 800 feet (250 meters) if the receiver/antenna are unobstructed by other components in the airplane,
or approximately 280 feet (85 meters) if obstructed. Leave the Rx antenna as unobstructed by other components as much as possible.
Always make sure that power is applied to the transmitter BEFORE applying power to the receiver and servos,
and the Tx throttle stick is at minimum (idle) position. Failure to do so could result in the model becoming uncontrollable
and cause a safety hazard. It’s best to check the system with the propeller removed from the aircraft.
Always perform a signal range check to ensure a good link exists between the transmitter and receiver at distance. Once fl ight is
complete, immediately disconnect power from the aircraft before removing power from the transmitter.
CH4 Rudder
CH3 Throttle/ESC
CH1 Aileron
CH2 Elevator