Date: 18.12.15
Manual to personal carriage decoder
WD-PW115, WD-PW 170, WD-PW-230, WD-
PW260, WD-PW290
Document: SW 3.0 / 01www.tec4trains.deSeite
8 from 42
Revolutionen im kleinen Maßstab
Basic features
function outputs (light etc.):
2 x tail lights & 2 x head lights (white
and yellow TC-H0);
alternatively 4 free function outputs
light bar bicolor yellow and white
TCCS decoder
(WD-PWxxx series)
rail connection (on demand) self-
supply & train bus support
energy storage for flicker-free
infrared transmitter (1) for front side
(Formats: Lissy, T4T, Train naviga-
Infrared transmitter (2) behind
(Formats: Lissy, T4T, Train naviga-
coupler TC-H0 in front incl. IR-
(Formats: Lissy, T4T, Train naviga-
current supply for cars via TC-H0
TC-H0-coupling (1) in back incl.
(Formats: Lissy, T4T, Train naviga-
current supply for cars via TC-H0
The wagon-decoder WD-PWxxx has been designed for gauge H0 model trains. In addition to the
integrated light function, it also offers 4 digital outputs. In order to use the decoder with all com-
monly used models, it is available in 5 different lengths: 115, 170, 230, 260 and 290 mm. A unique
feature is the colour-variable light bar that offers a yellow as well as a white LED per colour point
(between 4 and 8 depending on the length). The intensity of the yellow and white colour points is
able individually regulated
become by which to itself one for all eras and vehicles suitable colour shade is regulated! Of course
a big capacity capacitor is integrated in the light bar for a completely flicker-free operation.
The decoder is controlled via T4T train bus and TCCS. Its functions can be activated by any stand-
ard DCC-systems (e.g. Arnold Digital, Lenz Digital Plus, ROCO digital is cool, Uhlenbrock Intel-
libox, Zimo MX-1, etc).
All WD-GWx decoders have two connections for the automatic coupling TC-H0. These connec-
tions are not among the previously mentioned function outputs. The control of the couplings and the
wagon functions via the T4T train bus is known as
TCCS: TrainCoupling&CommunicationSystem.
TCCS stands for a revolutionary new model train playing experience.
WD-PWxxx brings PC and model trains closer together. The automated train provides extensive
data for PC-interfaces via its checkback system. It supports the formats Lissy (Uhlenbrock), train-
navigation (Fleischmann) and TRAM (T4T).
This product also offers a variety of new functions as well as an update function so that it will re-
main up-to-date for many years to come. – A service for the model trainman.
WD-PWxxx and his luminous means
With the decoders of the WD-PWxxx series it is possible to light up vehicles of the gauge H0 proto-
typical. All luminous means in the trainset are operateable by remote control and dimmable - with-
out own pickup shoes in the model! . Nevertheless, this also means that the locomotive must take up
the whole energy for the train and pass on. Hence, it is necessary to use only luminous means which