Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd
SMG-D Series Analog Gateway User Manual (Version 2.0.0)
Page 57
Destination Address
Destination IP address or domain name on which the Ping test is executed.
Ping Count
The number of times that the Ping test should be executed. Range of value: 1~100.
Package Length
Length of the data package used in the Ping test. Range of value: 56~1024 bytes.
The information returned during the Ping test, helping you to learn the network
connection status between the gateway and the destination address.
After configuration, click
to execute the Ping test; click
to terminate it immediately.
3.10.16 DNS Test
The DNS test is used to test whether the domain name can be successfully parsed by the
gateway. Fill in the domain name that needs to be parsed and click the button Test, then the
window will pop up and prompt the test result. When the parsing succeeds, the test result will
contain the IP address acquired from the domain name.
3.10.17 TRACERT Test
On the Tracert test interface, a Tracert test can be initiated from the gateway on a designated IP
address to check the routing status between them. The table below explains the configuration
items on the interface.
Source IP Address
Source IP address where the Tracert test is initiated.
Destination Address
Destination IP address on which the Tracert test is executed.
Maximum Jumps
Maximum number of jumps between the gateway and the destination address
which are returned by the Tracert test. Range of value: 1~255.
The information returned during the Tracert test, helping you to learn the detailed
information about the jumps between the gateway and the destination address.
After configuration, click
to execute the Tracert test; click
to terminate it immediately.
3.10.18 Change Password
On the Password Changing interface you can change username and password of the gateway.
Enter the current password, the new username and password, and then confirm the new
password. After configuration, click
to apply the new username and password or click
to restore the configurations. After changing the username and password, you are required to log
in again.
3.10.19 Restart
On the Service Restart part, click
to restart the service; on the System Restart part, click
to restart the whole gateway system. A dump file will be generated each time you restart
the system. Click
and you can download it to help troubleshoot issues.