Synway Information Engineering Co., Ltd
Compatibility in Software and Hardware
Compatible with all commercial and home mainboards.
2) PCI board includes PCI 2.2 bus with burst data transmission rate up to 132 MB/s; PNP
(plug and play) feature eliminates the need for jumper leads; general PCI design
supports 3.3V/5V PCI slot and PCI-X slot.
3) PCIe board includes PCI Express 1.0a bus with the single-way transmission rate up to
2.5Gb; supports PCI Express X1, X2, X4, X8, X16 slots (the board with PCIe bus is
unavailable now).
Supports Unix, Linux and Solaris.
5) This board driver is compatible with Zaptel. So it supports a lot of open source PBX
systems, like Asterisk, Trixbox, Yate, CallWeaver, FreeSwitch, etc.
Four on-board RJ45 jacks: to connect with BRI lines (don’t forget to install BRI modules
correspondingly), use the two-way hub for RJ45 to convert each RJ45 to two S/T jacks which
can directly connect to BRI lines, making connection easy and malfunctions rare.
The power is supplied by the host computer. In case only the motherboard is used, connect it
with the HD power plug; in case the backboard and the daughterboard are also used, connect
the backboard with the HD power plug.
1.2 Operation Principle
Mother Board
Figure 1-1 BRI16 Full-length Board Operation Principle
Inbound Voice
Outbound Voice
BRI S/T Interfac
TE/NT module
Host Computer Interface (PCI/PCIe)
Synway BRI16 Full-length Board Hardware Manual (Version 1.0)
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