14 DePuy Synthes USS™ Small Stature/Paediatric Spine System Surgical Technique
The rod Ø 5.0 mm is secured with a sleeve and nut.
1. Pick up and locate sleeve with
sleeve positioner
Fit the sleeve pusher (388.582) to the sleeve positioner
(388.583). Pick up a sleeve, ensuring that the shorter leg
of the sleeve pusher stands above the narrow-fluted side
of the sleeve. Slide the sleeve positioner over the stick
and place it on the implant.
Press down on the sleeve pusher to place the sleeve on
the implant/rod (1). Retract the sleeve pusher (2). The
sleeve remains on the implant/rod.
2. Place nut on implant
Pick up the nut from the loading station using the socket
wrench for 12-point nut, with L-handle (388.584).
Introduce the socket wrench 5.0 mm with T-handle
(388.143) into the socket wrench for 12-point nut and
slide together over the stick. The socket wrench 5.0 mm
must engage in the hexagon of the stick, which is used
to apply counter torque.
If the stick has already been removed, insert the screw-
driver 4.0 mm with T-Handle (388.338) into the socket
wrench for 12-point nut and apply counter torque.
3. Tighten nut
Tighten the nut with the socket wrench for 12-point nut
with L-handle. The instruments used for applying coun-
ter torque are spring-loaded and can be kept under con-
stant pressure by means of the T-handle. To tighten the
nut further, lift off the L-handle and place it on again.
Locking Implants to Rods
Pedicle 14
16_03 (20_03) USS Paediatric
Pedicle 10
16_01 (20_02a) USS Paediatric
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