1 = The sensor will function as Normally Closed.
Alarm mode
Code 51-->
0 = Latch. The alarm does not go off unless it is turned off
1 = Pulse. The alarm goes off after the defined time-out.
Alarm pulse activating time
Relevant when alarm is in pulse mode.
Code 52-->
0000-9999 seconds (always key-in time in 4 digits format)
Sensor door activating time
Code 32-->
000-255 time-out seconds. The alarm will be activated after
the defined time-out.
Duress code enable/disable
Code 50-->
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
In operation modes card and global code or card and pin code
enables activating the alarm and the door simultaneously.
Define Duress code
Code 53-->
Enables defining what will be the duress code
Card parameters
Refer to how the proximity track will be read:
Reset alarm
In set-up mode, after keying-in code 51, key-in 4 to shut-off the alarm.
Interfacing the host is performed via the Master unit. Communication between the master unit and the ter-
minals is performed at 19200 bps.
Downloading card numbers from Master to terminals
As of Master version 3.20 there is an additional option “Send offline list to Access units”. All card num-
bers that are marked as (see Falcon | Personnel | Card Type | Active - Allowed offline)
Active - Allowed
will be sent from the Master to the terminals. When communication is stopped the Terminal will
enable access for the cards as mentioned above.
2 digits
Start position (01-37)
Card number offset
2 digits
Length (01-06)
Card number length
2 digits
Total characters
Number of digits on card (when defining 00 - doesn’t check
card length- accepts all card lengths up to 6)