Symeo LPR
Product Documentation
Copyright © Symeo 2012
Page 19 of 132
Temperature inside the housing can range from -40°C to 85°C.
3.2 Operating Mode
There are different system topologies to determine a 2D position with a Symeo LPR
Which operating is best suited depends on the application and the environment. It depends
on the number of mobile units you want to track and on the number of cells which are
necessary to cover the environment.
Operating Mode
Mode 1: Basic Cell
6 fixed wall-mounted units [LPR-2DB Integral Station], 1 mobile
unit [LPR-2DB Station]; measurement principle: RTOF (round
trip of flight)
Mode 2a: Managed Cell
6 fixed wall-mounted units [LPR-2DB Integral Station], 1Master,
up to 5 mobile units [LPR-2DB Station] ; measurement principle:
RTOF (round trip of flight); cell coordinates are stored on the
mobile unit(s)
Mode 2b: Managed Cell
6 fixed wall-mounted units [LPR-2DB Integral Station], 1 Master,
up to 10 mobile units [LPR-2DB Station] ; measurement
principle: RTOF (round trip of flight); cell coordinates are stored
at the master
Mode 3a: TDOA
6 fixed wall mounted units [LPR-2DB Integral Station], 1 Master,
no limitation of mobile units [LPR-2DB Station] ; measurement
principle: TDOA (time difference of arrival); cell coordinates are
stored on the mobile unit(s)
Mode 3b. TDOA
6 fixed wall mounted units [LPR-2DB Integral Station], 1 Master,
no limitation of mobile units [LPR-2DB Station] ; measurement
principle: TDOA (time difference of arrival); cell coordinates are
stored at the master
The operating mode is normally set by Symeo after consulting the
Operation Mode 1: Basic Cell
4-6 fixed mounted units (i.e. at a wall or on light poles) at known positions as basic cell and
one single mobile unit form the setup for mode 1. The fixed mounted units are configured as
reply units or “slave transponders”. Each fixed mounted unit has the same group ID and a
different measurement ID ranging from 0...5. Additionally, the units within the same group
must be set to the same communication channel. The positions of the fixed mounted units
are known to the mobile unit. The measurement of mode 1 is based on the measurement
principle RTOF (Round Trip Of Flight). It is organized as follows:
The mobile unit acts as “master base-station” and sends a measurement command to the
fixed mounted units. The fixed mounted units synchronize to this signal and transmit a return