Figure 3-4
Networking of the large-scale computing storage applications
. . .
. . .
Ethernet Switches
Service Hosts
(Windows, Linux OS,
AIX, HP-UX and Solaris
Integrated Application of NAS and SAN
If you have business requirements for running SAN applications when using a NAS appliance,
you can utilize unused disk space (divided by LUNs) on the storage unit using iSCSI ports.
Figure 3-5
Networking of applications using both NAS and SAN
. . .
. . .
Ethernet Switches
Service Hosts
(Windows, Linux OS,
AIX, HP-UX and Solaris
Tiered Storage Applications
The N8300 provides storage tiering functionality for optimizing primary storage data and
improving service performance. Using storage tiering, infrequently used (or cold) data is
migrated to inexpensive disk storage, but the availability of the migrated data is maintained,
which enables the service host to access the migrated data at any time. Meanwhile, frequently
Symantec FileStore N8300 (Software Release 5.6)
Product Description Guide
3 Application Scenarios
Issue 01 (2011-05-05)
Symantec Corporation