Keypad Controllers - Getting Started Guide
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RSM4 Serial Matrix - Getting Started
1. Introduction
The RSM4 is a flexible 4-channel RS232 matrix with independent port protocols and command
buffering. With a simple to use programming interface contained within Device Suite, the RSM4 has
the power to solve many serial routing problems.
2. Configuring the ports
The Tx (transmit) and Rx (receive) of the RSM4 serial ports are considered
independent, but must operate at the same baud rate. This allows the Rx (receive)
terminal of port 1 to be connected to a different device than the Tx (transmit)
terminal of port 1 as longs as the two devices use the same protocol. From Device
Suite in the RSM4 configuration utility, the ports are configured by first selecting
the port to configure from the drop down list and then setting then baud rate,
parity, data and stop bits for that port.
When multiple data strings are received simultaneously and need to be
transmitted from the same port, the data is buffered and the strings are
sent one after the other. The delay between these strings can be
configured by setting the interval for each transmit port to a value suitable
for the receiving device.
3. Configuring the matrix
The matrix is configured by simply placing a check mark in the corresponding
box. For example, data received on ports 1, 2 and 3 to be transmitted to a
device attached to port 4 check the top 3 boxes in the right hand column.
Similarly if data received back from the device on port 4 is to be transmitted
to the devices on ports 1, 2 and 3 then the left hand 3 boxes on the bottom
row are required to be checked.
There are up to 10 presets available that can be configured by selecting from the drop down list. These
presets are then selected by issuing the appropriate RS232 command from the Driver to any of the