Telephoning with SwyxPhone L66
How do I start an inquiry call?
A Bluetooth headset can also be directly connected to SwyxPhone L66
via the Bluetooth interface. For further information please refer to chap-
ter 15.7.2,
Connecting a Bluetooth Headset
This is how you pick up a call with the headset
A (Bluetooth) headset is connected. You are being called.
When you receive a call, press the “Headset” button
the “Hook off” button on your Bluetooth headset) in order to pick
up the call.
You can telephone using the headset.
This is how you end a call with the headset
Press the “Headset” button (“Hook on” button on your Bluetooth
headset) to end the call.
The connection is terminated.
This is how you switch between the Handset and the Headset
If you have begun a call using the headset and you would like to use the
handset for the rest of the call.
Take the handset off the hook.
The handset is active.
If you would like to switch to the headset, press the “Headset”
function key and put the handset back on the hook.
You can then continue your call on the headset.
For further information please refer to chapter
If you initiated the call, you can also press the “Hook off” button on your
headset to switch the voice output to it.
Invoking of optional functions, which the headset manufacturer may even-
tually support (e.g. redial), switches the voice output to the speaker. To
keep the voice output over the Bluetooth headset, you must set in your
SwyxIt! the audio mode “Headset” as “Default Audio Mode”. For further
information, please refer to the SwyxIt! documentation.
How do I start an inquiry call?
You are having a phone conversation and you would like to call another
subscriber (Inquiry Call). Then you would like to alternately speak to
both subscribers (Call Swap).
1. You are speaking to a customer (subscriberA) and you would like to
ask someone in the warehouse (subscriberB), whether a certain arti-
cle is on stock.
2. You begin a second call at the same time with SubscriberB. Then you
can alternately speak with Subscriber A and Subscriber B (Call Swap).
3. While you are speaking with one subscriber, the other subscriber will
hear music on hold.
4. When you end the call with one of the subscribers (using the menu
item "Disconnect"), the corresponding line becomes free again. You
can then switch to the line on hold.
This is how you call an additional subscriber
Choose during an active call the option “Swap line” and press the
“OK” button.
The first call is put on hold. Your first call partner will hear music
on hold.
You will hear the idle tone. The following will appear:
If you were the initiator of the call on the active line and you place the
handset on hook, the two subscribers will be connected to each other.