Section 01
Series of instructions
In this Manual, instructions which must
be followed in a certain order are
numbered consecutively.
Where there is a series of pictures
with step-by-step instructions, each
step has the same number as the
corresponding picture.
Letters are used where there is a
series of pictures but the order is
not relevant.
Lists of parts
Numbers circled in red refer to
various parts of the item pictured. A
list of the numbers and the name of
the part labelled follows the picture.
Bullet points
Bullet points are used in the Manual for
Paraglider Manual on the Internet
Additional information about
your paraglider and any
updates to the Manual can
be found on our website at
This Manual was current at the time of
going to print. This Manual can be
downloaded from SWING’s website prior
to print.
SWING Flugsportgeräte and
the environment
Protection of the environment, safety
and quality are the three core values of
SWING Flugsportgeräte GmbH and they
have implications for everything we do.
We also believe that our customers
share our environmental awareness.
Respect for nature and the
You can easily play a part in protecting
the environment by practising our sport
in such a way that there is no damage
to nature and the areas in which we fly.
Keep to marked trails, take your rubbish
away with you, refrain from making
unnecessary noise and respect the
sensitive biological equilibrium of nature.
Consideration for nature is required
even at the launch site!
Smokers – please do not leave any
cigarette butts, matches etc. at flying
Paragliding is, of course, an outdoor
sport – protect and preserve our
planet’s resources.
Environmentally-friendly recycling
SWING gives consideration to the entire
life cycle of its paragliders, the final
stage of which is recycling in an
environmentally-friendly manner. The
synthetic materials used in a paraglider
must be disposed of properly. If you are
not able to arrange appropriate
disposal, SWING will be happy to recycle
the paraglider for you. Send the glider
with a short note to this effect to the
address given in the Appendix.