Chematest 30
General Information
A-96.730.101 / 151118
2.3. Notes on Individual Methods
Free chlorine
When free chlorine is determined in the presence of cyanuric acid,
two forms of chlorine are measured: free chlorine and chlorine
bound to cyanuric acid. To determine the disinfection capacity of
the water, the concentration of cyanuric acid must also be mea
sured and the result of the chlorine determination must be correct
ed as follows:
Combined chlorine
The method catalogue of the Chematest 30 contains two options
for measuring combined chlorine: with one cuvette or with two cu
vettes. Apart from the fact that one or two cuvettes are used, the
two methods are identical.
Measuring with only one cuvette is faster and requires less re
agents. However, some standards require measurement with two
cuvettes. The selection of the method should be based on the site-
specific requirements.
Ozone decomposes in a very short time and is usually only present
in traces. It is essential to rinse the cuvette three times with the
ozone-containing water before taking the sample. After sampling,
carry out the further steps as quickly as possible, but work meticu
Cyanuric acid
20 mg/l
30 mg/l
50 mg/l
70 mg/l
Contribution of free
chlorine to the mea
sured value