A-96.250.211 / 171121
AMI Sodium P
5.4. Grab Sample
Incorrect measurement
If the automatic regeneration option is installed, make sure that
no automatic regeneration is running when starting the grab sam
ple measurement. This would falsify the measured value.
To perform a grab sample measurement proceed as follows:
Rinse a standard bottle well and fill it with grab sample.
Do not use closed bottles.
Screw the grab sample bottle into the standard bottle holder and
swing it upwards.
This stops the sample flow from the constant head and allows
the grab sample to flow through the flow cell.
Press the [
] key.
GRAB appears on the left side of the upper status line and the
instrument is measuring the grab sample now.
The measured value of the grab sample will not be saved
in the transmitter. Wait until the measured value is stable and
then write it down for later use.