XLINK 500/100 Operations & Maintenance Manual page # 107
The file ext
ension is based on the Tx Format setting: “shf”,
SMS Tx Phone A, B, and C
When it is time to make a scheduled transmission, if
Tx Mode
is set to
the station will send
data to the phone number(s) set up in
SMS Tx Phone
If you want data delivered to just one phone, enter it into
SMS Tx Phone A,
and leave
Phone B and C
blank. To deliver to a second phone number, enter the number in
SMS Tx Phone B.
SMS Tx Phone C
to deliver data to a total of three different numbers.
Cell Global Settings
These settings are found on the Other Setup tab of LinkComm. Please read on for a list and
description of each setting.
Cell Listening
If enabled,
Cell Listening
will cause the station to keep the cellular modem on all the time. This
makes it possible to connect to the station with LinkComm over the internet at any time. It also
ensures that incoming SMS are received immediately. However, it significantly increases the
power consumption.
Cell Listening
is not enabled, the station will only power on the modem when it makes
transmissions, when it checks for messages, when it boots up, and when the operator is
inspecting the station.
Listening is automatically turned on by the station for 10 minutes at these times:
At boot up
When the station is connected to, whether via USB, over the modem, or over Wi-Fi
When an SMS is received
After a transmission is completed
When the front panel button is pressed, and when the station goes into alarms, listening is
automatically turned on for one hour.
When the cell modem is powered on, the station will act as a TCP/IP server, ready to accept
incoming connections from LinkComm if
Accept TCPIP Connects
is enabled. Additionally, the
station will be ready to accept incoming SMS if the
Accept SMS
setting is enabled.
Accept TCPIP Connects
is enabled, the station will listen on port 3001. Only one connection
may be established at a time.
If power consumption is of concern, setup the station to periodically check for SMS messages
Msg Interval
below). Shorter intervals result in higher power consumption. Longer intervals
mean a longer response time. For example, if
Msg Interval
is one hour, it may take up to one
hour for the station to receive a message.
Once there is a need to connect to the station, send a message to the station asking it to start
listening and to accept TCP/IP connections. That message should say