Again, the irsenxt and irse commands must be received via Iridium short burst data (SBD)
message to take effect. These commands won’t work if issued over the Xpert command line.
Iridium Transmit Settings
To configure self-timed (scheduled) Mobile Originated (MO) transmissions, select the
“Transmit” entry under the Iridium entry on the Setup tab and press the “Edit” button. The
following dialog will appear.
Figure 3: Iridium Transmission Settings
This dialog is used to define the schedule and format of self-timed transmissions, as well as some
details about what data to include in alarm transmissions.
Note: use ISBD blocks in the Graphical Setup, and the ISBD option in EzSetup, to define
what data to include in transmissions. See
ISBD Blocks - Graphical Setup and EzSetup
more information.
Tx Interval
Tx Interval defines how often to transmit self-timed messages. The format of the string is,
“hh:mm:ss”, where “hh” = hours, “mm” = minutes, and “ss” = seconds. For example, “01:00:00”
means “every hour”, while “00:30:00” means every half hour.
Tx Time
This property defines an offet to Tx Interval. It has the same format as Tx Interval. A Tx Time of
“00:15:00” means, “15 minutes after the hour”. Some examples of transmission schedules are
shown in the table, below:
Tx Interval
Tx Time
Transmission Schedule
12AM, 1AM, 2AM, …, 12PM, 1PM, 2PM, …
12AM, 2AM, 4AM, …, 12PM, 2PM, 4PM, …
12:30AM, 1:30AM, 2:30AM, …, 12:30PM, 1:30PM, …