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The EP-517T Hub
The illustrations that follow depict the various external
components of the hub.
Congratulations on your purchase of the EP-517T Hub.
This user guide is provided to allow you to get the most
out of your new investment. It describes all features
and covers installation and operating instructions of the
EP-517T in an easy-to-read yet thorough manner.
Package Contents
The EP-517T package contains the following items:
One EP-517T Hub
One AC Power Adapter
One BNC T-Connector
This Manual
Four pieces of Rubber Foot
Two pieces of Tapping Screw
Two pieces of Nylon Screw Anchor
Features Overview
Your EP-517T Hub includes the following features:
Interconnects one 10BASE2 segment and
sixteen 10BASE-T link segments
IEEE 802.3 10BASE2 and 10BASE-T
Either the BNC or RJ-45 port as the cascading
Port auto-partitioning and reconnection to facili-
tate faulty segment isolation
Polarity auto-detection and auto-correction for
UTP/STP ports
Data collision and jabber handling functions
Two LEDs per port to indicate Link, Receive,
and Partition status
Two LEDs to indicate Power and Collision
Figure 1
Power (RED) Indicator
When the power LED is lit, it indicates that the
hub's power is on.
Collision (YELLOW) Indicator
This LED indicator blinks when the hub detects a
collision on the network.
Link (GREEN) Indicators
These LEDs Indicator light green when the respec-
tive connection is okay.
Receive (GREEN) Indicators
A blinking LED to indicate data is being received
on the segment.
Partition (RED) Indicators
These LEDs light to indicate the port on the hub is
malfunctioning. Faulty ports are automatically iso-
lated by the hub. When the port recovers, however,
the partition LED returns to normal status.
Wall Mounting
After you have decided on a suitable location for
mounting the hub, mark the location for inserting two
screws 242.5mm apart. At the marked locations, drill
two holes and insert a nylon screw anchor in each hole.
Insert a tapping screw in each hole. Align wall-mount
slots of the hub with the screws and slide the hub down
until the screws are securely fastened to the hub. You
can now complete the installation procedure by mark-
ing the necessary cable connections.
Figure 2
RJ-45 UTP/STP Ports
The hub is equipped with 16 RJ-45 UTP/STP ports
for making 10BASE-T hub-to-workstation connec-
Cascade Enable Slide-Switch
Slide this switch to the right to enable cascading
with straight UTP/STP cables.
AC Adapter Port
Plug the AC adapter jack into this port.
BNC Port
The hub is equipped with one BNC port for
making 10BASE2 hub-to-workstation connections.
Making Network Connections
The EP-517T hub has sixteen RJ-45 connectors for at-
taching up to sixteen 10BASE-T based workstations.
To establish such connections:
Ensure that both the hub and the soon-to-be-con-
nected workstation are in the power off mode.
Plug one end of the UTP/STP cable into an
available 10BASE-T hub port.
Plug the other end into the workstation's network
interface card. The following figure 3 illustrates
a simple network topology via using a 10BASE-T
hub-to-workstation connections.
The EP-517T hub has one BNC port for making
10BASE2 hub-to-workstation connections. To establish
such connections: