Sunshine Pool Products, LLC
Manufacturer of Quality Pool & Spa Products
902 West 2010 South, Syracuse, Utah 84075
Before installing the Sunshine Ionizer the spa should be clean, pH balanced, sanitized, and the filter cleaned.
Turn off the power to the spa equipment.
If you have a drop in cell go to step 4. Install the cell after the equipment pack if possible. If this is not possible
then before the equipment pack is OK. The electrode cell must be at the bottom or side so that no air will be
trapped in the cell. The black line on the cell must always be vertical and it may need rotated 90 degrees
depending on how it is installed. Cut a section of pipe out where the electrode cell will be installed. Glue the
tee in place using PVC glue making sure it is installed so no air will be trapped in the cell. If you are not sure
how to install the cell you should have a swimming pool or spa contractor do it for you. NOTE: If you are
gluing your TEE into flexible PVC, DO NOT USE PRIMER to prepare the joint. Flex pipe is softer than rigid
PVC and the aggressive primer will eat through it. Instead, use a CLEANER designed for flex pipe.
Mount the Controller on a wall or spa cabinet. Fasten the controller to a wall or spa cabinet with the 4 #6 x 3/4”
screws provided, so that the cord to the cell and the power cord will reach. It is best to install the controller
where it is protected from the sun and weather.
If drop in cell, insert the cell in the water as deep as possible in an out of the way place and support the cord
with the cord strap and the brass screw supplied.
Install the solar panel on a south facing wall or roof near the controller. It can be installed on a horizontal,
vertical, or on a sloped surface. Fasten the 4 flat brackets to the solar panel using the 4 bolts and nuts
provided. The bolt should be inserted from the underside so that botton surface of the panel will lay flat on
the surface. Fasten the panel in place using the 4 screws provided. On a roof make sure you use a sealant to
prevent leaks. If a longer cord is needed use #18 or larger wire to extend the cord up to 50 ft. Make sure
the polarity is not changed when making connections. The solar panel has a 5 volt voltage regulator
installed in it so it should not be connected to any batteries or other devices.
Turn on the spa pump.
Test the pool water and make sure the water is properly balanced and sanitized. Test the pool water with the
copper test kit to see if there is copper already present in the pool. If copper is already present it may be
from a copper based algaecide or from a previous pH problem.
Warning: If your spa has been using Bacquacil or any similar sanitizer make sure your spa water has been
properly changed back to a chlorine spa before proceeding.
Turn the controller output to MAX. The power light and the cell power light should come on. The cell
power light will change color from red to green every few minutes to indicate the cleaning circuit is
operating properly. Turning the control down towords MIN decreases the voltage and current to the cell.
The Cell Power light will dim slightly as the control is turned down.
Set the spa timer so that the spa circulating pump runs during the day as much as possible while the sun is
shinning. The pump needs to running as much as possible while the ionizer is operating.