Building Instructions ME 163 B 1a M 1:5 Turbine
Thank you for choosing our kit of the Me-163B. We ask you to read the instruction once in
advance before building this kit in order to avoid mistakes. Make sure that you identify
which photos accompany which step of the build before you start. Please keep in mind that
this is a model airplane suited for turbines of up to 8 Kg of thrust. Please beware that all
parts used in the construction of this kit have to be strong and large enough. Sunshine
Modell is making an effort to keep the kit as light as possible while not making any
compromises regarding the stability of the airplane. In order to keep the assembly of the
components as straightforward as possible we deliver all GRP parts with a clear coat
instead of a colored gel coat. This way you have the opportunity to check all fits and glue-
Our Me-163 comes with the original s-shaped airfoil design used by Mr. Alexander
Lippisch. The model aircraft possesses excellent slow-flight characteristics and does not tend
to stall. The function of the different control surfaces has to be maintained as described in
this manual as the airfoil design differs from other airplanes and kits. The ailerons serve as
ailerons and elevators in typical delta style. The inner control surfaces, called Flettner Flaps,
are to be set slightly up for takeoff and possibly landing. The deflection should be at around
5 to 6mm up. It is necessary to test the function of the Flettner Flaps in mid air in order to
get a good feeling for how they work and what they do and to learn at what speed to deploy
the flaps before your first landing approach with deployed Flettners. The airplane will climb
in case it is still too fast for Flettners but at the correct speed it will simply continue to fly
straight and you can initiate your approach. The rate of glide is excellent and the airplane
will fly stable and true with deployed Flettner flaps, even at slower speeds. Without
deployed Flettner flaps and in zero or low wind conditions it will be difficult to maintain a
controlled approach. Since the Me-163 has a wide speed range it is up to the pilot to get
familiar with the flaps and what they do at what speed. Again, do so before you come in for
your first landing. You should mix the flettners in at around 33% to 50% with the elevator
function of the elevon/delta mix, and ONLY the elevator function. This will greatly assist
you during landings and at lower speeds.