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Содержание LeChef

Страница 1: ...L e hef FOOD PROCESSOR RECIPES AND INSTRUCTIONS r T t t T r t rl I tl lt rbl lll Ii J I V ...

Страница 2: ...ay cause hazards 8 Do nol use outdooIs I Do nol el cord hang over edge oi tabe fi counter or touch hol surfaces l0 0o nol use appLianc Jor other lhan intended use ll Keep hands as wellas spalulas and other utensils ae ay kom moving bade to prevenl lnjury lo lhe operator and or damaqe to the lood rrocessor l2 Blades are shar0 Handle carelully l3 To avold injury never place blade on lhe base wilhout...

Страница 3: ...taileolconHrts ...

Страница 4: ...kies Browlies Chocolate Chip Cookies DateNulSquares Son Mo asses Cookies Sprnz a00k a Pa3 4 nis Cates Ples Frcslings and rillings ApplesduceCake Basicwhite Cake Basic Yeilos a Chae niLa cho oare N Tone Sunbeam Choco ale cake 39 39 39 11 41 41 43 43 44 45 45 45 46 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 52 ...

Страница 5: ... and ease of cl aninq The recipes and suggeslions in this instruction book have been developed and kitchen tested lor your convenience in using your new Sunbeam Food Ptocessot Wilh the wide vaiety of foods that can be oreDared in your rood processor we hopethat you tvilldiscover additional new Lises for the processor and lrvill use our suoqested rccipes as a quide for adaptinq your own lavoritesl ...

Страница 6: or disc Let blade or disc drop to lhe bottom of lhe container fully settlin on the center shaft N0TE ljse extreme caution when handlino the blades and discs as lhey are very SHARP Position lhe cover on the mixinq container with lhe eed tube al the front of the unil and to the riqhl of the handle Tum the cover to lhe lell clocklrvise lo lock it into place NoTE When lhe unit h plugqed into an ele...

Страница 7: ...s jt l0 come to a quick slop when the unil is turned oFE 0 N1T REltoVE THE C1VER AF fHE UNII UNT L THE BUDE Ofr D SC CAMES IO A CAMPLETE STOP When processlno is comDlele lum llre control swilch lo oFE Wait until the blade or disc comes lo a comptele stop Hemove the coverlrom the process ng conlainer by rolating it lo the ri0ht counlerclockwise and lifting ll using the shreddino or sliclng disc use...

Страница 8: ...t ...

Страница 9: ...Co1paqy epresentative se vicmg ot epaits are lecessary st0ragc Store yoUI Sunbeam food processor in a dry tocation on yoff counter to Wind the el ctrical cord around the processol and secure il llvilh the cord qrip on lhe plug lnverl the cover into llle processing conlainer and place the food 0 u she r inlo the eed I u be With the cnver invcrrcri your Sunbeam Food P ocessfi shoutd conveniently lit...

Страница 10: ... the fe d lube When nr xinq in your lood processor add the lquid inqredients ast With the processor 0N add the liquids through lhe leed tulre on the cover ll any lood ilems should become caughl belween the blade and lhe s de of lhe b0v 1 turn otF lhe processor and wail unlil the blades slop lurn ng Then remove lhe cover and lill the blade to lree the lood ilem Dur nq ihe process nq ol some ec pes ...

Страница 11: ...inq bread doughs mutff batters salad dresslngs lillngs dips and spreads The liOhler dutyp astlc m ii rg b ade ls used lor rnixin and bLending loods such as cake batters cookie doughs crepe batters and lrostings l he slainless sleel shredding disc shreds and grates Ioods such as cheeses and raw and cooked vegelables lhalaro fed though lhefeed lube on lhe cover th stainless stee s icmg dlsc slces ra...

Страница 12: ...osltion lood pusher in lube arl process and apply moderale pressure to leed push er unlil all cheese is prccessed Nard Vegetabtes Sleel cutlino lllade Slicino disc Stan prucesso drcpl p eces Clropped ol vegetabLe throuqh feed tube Add a lew pieces al a lime Prc cess 2 3 seconds oruntildesned Placecul lenqlhs oi vegeiables Tlrin sticed venically in leed lube packinq lubeliqhly P0silion lood pusher ...

Страница 13: ...nouqh to l into leed tube P ace seclions in tube veflically Posiiion lood pusher n tube Slan proc ssor and apply pres sure lo lood pusher unlil all cabbaqe is shredded Brcad and steelcftino pr0cessinq Start processor drcp l4 bmken Finecrumbs cmckers or 3 4 quanered bread Yield approx slicesllrrouolrleedlubePrccess 1 cuo appfoximately 3 seconds or umil Steel cuiling processinq blade Stan process0r ...

Страница 14: ... helps you t0 create entire meals wilh a gourmetflair To help you begin using and enjoying your food paocsssor we have grouped to0elior some ol our kitchen tested goumet recipes tiat we know you ll want to try French onion Soup Eeef and I lushroom Ratatoujlle ouich Lorraine grioche and Chocolate I lousse are jusl some of the delectable specialtiesyou llbeabletomakein minutesl Bon Appetite ...

Страница 15: ...eeded rnd quanercd t 4cuptemoniuicc 4hmaloes p eled seedsDmov d i cups romalo iuicc ily0u wish quadered 1 4cupdrysherry l cucumber peeled and cui Inlo 6 piaccs 1 2 DUp sour clpam Sall and pepp rto taste Witlr sleelcull ng blade if place process each ofthe first ttve inqredients separately unlil IilP y Lhoopeo Rerrove lo a la qe ar Add sall pFooer cht powde oh e oil t Ton uirp lomalo u Le ard sher ...

Страница 16: ...llect the thinness ol the meal and the lreshtaste lhat shows ilwas completed immedialely belore serving 2lbs lern teel Eye ol rcund orsi oin lip I shallol or3 scallions 6 bsp buner Salland pepper 1 leas Worccslershll8 sauce 1 rcasp Dlion sryle mrsrad Cut beet ifto feed lube size slips lapprcx 11 2x21 2inches Thoroughly chill or partiaLly lreeze beef before slicig in lhe lood processor wilh the sli...

Страница 17: Bake the soirfflb in a preheated 350 F oven 35 40 minutes or until putly and delicately brownedi souflle should only shake sliqhtlywhentheoven rackisgently moved backand forth Serve il immediately cheese soutfld 2 ouno s Pamesan chosse chilled 6 ounces Sian Ch ddarchsoso chilled 1 3 cup buner Yield 6seruings gnocchi verdl Yield 24 Onocchi 4 6 seruinqs These litlle ltalian qreen and whitedumplin...

Страница 18: ...nd saut6 about 2 minutas Sprinkte the floirr over lhe 0nion Slrr to bleldaldcoo briely Remove illrorn ihe heal andsetrlasde Wth plaslic m xing blade 1 otace oeal the eggs seasonhgs ltg l cream ard sduPed onion in lhe lood processor j st until lhey are combinpo Arrange cheese ir the pastry snell Pour I re eg m l mtxture ove tle ahees rren sprinkre t ie bacon and paprika oi top Bake in a preheated 3...

Страница 19: ...stolthe dough into a ball Place lhe large battinto a tighfly buttered Brioche pan tVake a hole in the cenle of lhe ball and insen lhe teardmp shaped portton with the narmw end n the hole Cover and let rrse untit douoled about I hour To make I small toaves remole one lorlrth ol the douoh and shape it tnto 8 teardrop shapes and shape lhe rumaining porlion tnto 8 round batts tottow the same pmcedure ...

Страница 20: ...l 3 arocado 0eled and sllced 2 Tisp lemon iulco 1 s mtt sttcsd olton 1 4 cur ltqit cnan Dasi salt club cheddor spreod or cheese boll Yield lvlakes one 3 l i l 1 TlsP Worcsslersilrc sauce l 2lsasp dry mustad 1 2 t 4 oz can dsvlled ham oasn ol Cayenne pepper 3 4 lh Cheddar cheese cubed 1 2 cup milk Place sleel cutling blade into mixinq container Add Worcesterchire saucc dry mLlsli i deviled ham and ...

Страница 21: ...lor al least I hour unli xell chilled Serue as a dip with crackers lorUtta chios or trssh vegelabes guocomole 2 TDs finsly cioppedorion 2 fts finsly ciopped camsdgreen chilipoppsrs 1 nediumtomalo lecled holidoy cheese boll l 4cuDmilft I 3 02 laclage ilue cneese cubed I 4 cuD Cieddar cheese cuied Y etd One 3 ba 1 leasp ltbrcesteGhlre sauce 6 oz crcanctcess cubed l 2cuppecans 6sp gs parsley l la 0 s...

Страница 22: ...nded Stop unplug unil and scrape down sides of mixing conlainer with rubber spatula whenever necessary Continue processrng Break cheese slices and drop through feed tube Add crumbdd bacon and blerd a second lonqer Spread on slices of bread or hambur0er buns Broit uni cheese is melled Yield 1 1 2 cups I Tbsp cIeam 1 3 or packaqed Ro ueron cheese oldce steelc tling bldoe rnlo m ing iontainer Ptoces ...

Страница 23: ...ley flakes dolln eed tube and process until finely ciopped Siop unplug unit and scrape down sides of cofl tainer Add flour pepper salt and parsley fiixtuE into sauce pan and cook over medium heat lor 1 2 hour Stir fEque ly Can be serued cold yietd 3cups 3 6ulgs a6ley 2 cups seasoned chlclan mtl or 2 cups wal r ani 2 ctlclan loulllon cutes Place steel cuttino blade inlo miring container Process chi...

Страница 24: ...ini and cook for 5 minutes in covered saucepan Reduce heat to simmeri add tomaloes and liquid tomato paste kidney beans parsley ilakes satt and pepper Cook tor 1 1 2 hours Siir occasionally Adjust heat 1o medium setting and add spaghetti Cook for 30 old i0shioned cheddor cheese soup Yleld 5 cups I 60u lacl ags ciedd cieese 3 4 cup sllc d l 2 inci fosh c00k3d 0r camed carlots 2 nedlun celery statts...

Страница 25: ... i l1 ii i f I t I i f ...

Страница 26: ...rcon 2 sUigs orpaGley 1 4 nq Eal l lbsp maqa ns oasi olpepper Wash and sorl peas Soak peas in I quart ol water with t 8l aspoon bakinq soda over n ght Place st el cutting blade int0 mlxing containeL Process cet ry carr01 onian saI pork or bacon and parsley by oradually adding lhroulh t ed tube When lhese inoredjenls arc flnely chopped combine wilh peas and waler in saucepan Add margartn and pepper...

Страница 27: ...__ it l 1 coleslow l 2 medlumhead ol cabiage cU lnlo Place sliclng disc into mixinq container Pack cabbage wedges into e d tube and push liqhlly but imrly with f00d pusher while processing Process until allcabbage has been slced Stotl unplug unlt and remove sliciio disc and cabbaqe from mixinq container Place shredding disc into mixing container Process carrot pieces in same nannet as cabbage l l ...

Страница 28: ... al oper llol et S o0loabsaladonloienter t lomalo Dust l ith paprika Yield 6 to I servinqs I 1 2 teasp sugar 1 2 teasp alt l 8 teasp tlack peppcr l 2leasD dillweed 2 tsasp prspared muslard l 2 cllp ottled latian slyte dressinq I small tMci walercress orsplnacft Pla eslicin discinlorHng onlanet wasl a1d dl nushroons cJt rLshrooT stems 0lt Closelypackrush o0T caos illo leed tuoe Procpsslvhile rsinq ...

Страница 29: ...H t ...

Страница 30: ...reed t be usi10 tood ousnet prpss albaQe orto ahrcrt 0n0 drsc pro ess Reno e shedd ng disc ard lrsel sk nq bisc inio Tiiili i Pac gJFmpepper tnloleed rube Wh e prorcsstno use Jooo dusie ro p s55 qissa epj 0110 Sl CIr00rS Pe llove S lctrO OtS and t000 trom mix n0 cOlrat l r Seias de place dt LUurn0 0a0e Inl0 T i0 con aiter eak L0 Lelery ano carr0rs rnrc pieces lor eaoe n rri cessrnq While 0 ocessil...

Страница 31: ...lessing 1 2teasr satr vhd 2Lro I cup svaporatsd mltt undluted oashotga tcsal l 2 cuPsalad 0ll t zcqcrum sdbtueornoquetort 1 4 cun ylmgar ch ese olace 9ee c llr n blade rro r 4rq conta ner pllalltrq ede ls i ro r i g onlane a1 0rocessr1l nl tr e rs s tooth Sloo rrpl_gr a ds raoedolvnsides o fli g o arre wm sparu a tt necessary yietd 2 cups l 2t6asp suqar 1 4 teasp whttepappsr 1 2t as papdka contain...

Страница 32: ... i t tlN I l ...

Страница 33: ...arqe bowt Tear Bomaine and Boston lettuce inlo bite sr e oeces ptace sricins disc rnlo mixrng conlarner ctosety p i iriiiii iiiiilediriili ocess u hrte lsmg lood_pusher ro press lucchi4t agarnsl tttns disc pr si ihe l vay r0r d0 hes andcautiftower Remol e sllciflg disc and tood tom muingconiiiqei AA io lrled salad qrcens Place steetcur inq btadelnlo mtr ng cofltainer lOti grieti ont0n pr0l nss rno...

Страница 34: ...inq water through lhe feed tube Conti ue processing until thoroughly blended llse to basle ham Yield 11l4cups 3 4 cup cumntl I t 4 cu Dolllng waler white souce lLledium For qravies sauces caeamed and scattoped dishes I l 2glpsmllk 2 ns tutar 2l1sp llour Heal milk bul do not bring to boiting poinl Place steel cufling btade inlo m nq conlainer Process butler llour and seasonings unlil well mixed Con...

Страница 35: ... unlil t nder set aside lnsert sleel cutlin0 blade inlo mirn contarnel Process onlon and mushrooms unli coarsely chopped Sautd onion and mushrooms in r maining I Tbsp maruarine for 5 minutes Add spaghetti sauce oregano sall black pepper hyme and eqlp ant to the on ons and mushrooms Simm r lor 5 t010 minutes Place sleel cutling blade into mixinq container Break up block ol mozzarelia cheese into sm...

Страница 36: ...n leed lube while unlt is n operalion Add eggs seasonings onion green pepper and potatoes Process lor a few s conds untiL tlrorough y nrixed Pour Dolato mixture lnlo a butt red 8x8x2 inch pan and bake in a hot 400oF oven for 35 40 minutes until well browned 0n lop Cut intosquares pololo poncokes 4 medlum polaloes peeted and cllt l 8t asD wtitepelper Yeld 6 cups t lalge sllceonion t l 4cups silted ...

Страница 37: ... 3 4 oz can Place shredding disc into mxing conlainer Pack cheddar cheese into feed tube process rhie usinq food pusher to press cheese onto shr dding disc Hemove shr ddinq d sc and cheese fiom mixing container Set asde in small bowt Ptace stcing disc into mixing con lainel Closely pack jreeled polatoes into food tube Process white using food pusher to press polatoes aoainst slicino dsc Alter proc...

Страница 38: ...lended Stop unpluo unil and scrape down sid6s ot mixinq containei wilh rubber spatula whenever ece sary Continue proc6ssin0 Md citron orange peet and milk chocolaie aid process lor a ew seconds to m Remove mixlurc lrom miiinil conlainer Fi crepe with 2 tablespoons ol mixlure fold and freeze Cut each tilled crepe inlo g pieces and dusl witl silled conlectioners s uqar Suggesled CEpe Batter Dessen s...

Страница 39: ... 1llht i tr i r r a I t j ar i 813 l v l 7t rIUX ...

Страница 40: ...prinkle wilh parsley suggest d crepe batlel Entr e gorden greens crepes 1 3 nedlumsized head olcaDtag I qieen psppsi cd inlo wedges 6 7 musiroom caDs ontlonal 4 medlum stalks ol celery 1 2 cu buter margarino Yield 5cups Place slcinq disc into mxing container Pack calrbage wedges into feed lube and pmcess rcinglood pusher unlilshredded Empty mix nq container andrepeal same plocess IoI grcen Del oer...

Страница 41: ...Ise twf FOOD PROCESSOR 4 v ay t9 ookies Parrty Mir tb 42 ...

Страница 42: ...unded teaspoonlul ol douqh Place on unoreased cookie sheel and mold into a cescent shape Bake at 400 F lor I minutes Whlestll arm shak cookies in paoer bag urilh confeclioners sugarlocoat brownies 1 2 cup shonening o maqain 2egqs l teasD uanilla 3 4cupslredflour l 2 teasp lal ng powder Yeld l6 24squares 1 2 teasp salt 1 cup sugar 2 squares 1 oz each unsweelened iaklng chocola le ms ltsd 1 2 cup no...

Страница 43: ...lainer Proc ss eqgs unlil Ioamy and qradu ally add sugar and vanilla lhroulh leed tube Stop unplug unil and scrape down sides 0l mlxing container whenever necessary Sill f our baking powder and salt inlo mix nq container andprocess untilthoroughly bended Add chopp d nuts anddates and process foTju a lelv secondstomix Spread in greasedpan Bake at 325 F10r40 45 minut s Cut inlo soLrares C0ol Bem0vef...

Страница 44: Place pasuc mxinq blade into mxing conlainel Plocess butter brol n sugar and eqg y0k unlj l0hl and llulfy aboul I mlnute Slop unplug unil and scral e down sides of mixinq container whenever n cessaIy Conllnue prccessinq wh Le adding llour sal and vani a Process unt well m xed Press douql lltrough cookle press onto ungreased cookie sheels Decorate I desired with candies or colored suoaL Eake in...

Страница 45: ...h pan Ptace ptast c mtxing blade inlo mixin container Pace shorten ng nlo mixing containeL Process shorten ng while graduallyadd ng suqarlhr0uqh l edtube Stop unplug unitand scrape dolvn sides 0 mixinq conlain r whenever necessary Siil logether llour cocoa salt cinnamon cloves nutmeq allspic soda and lraking powder nlomixinq container Processwh l g aduallyaddng egos and applesauce and cont nLre pr...

Страница 46: ... and coollo room temperat re belore frosling Slogesled Toppinq F uffy Butter Frosling or Fudge ftostinq bosicyellowcoke l 2 cup sot shortenlng r 1 4 cups gnnulalcdsuqar 2 cups silt dilour 2 1 2 teasD dou e actinq bakinq 3 4 basp salt 3 4 cup mllk I l 4teasp vanilla 2oqos lleheatovenlo3S0 EGreas andduslwilhllour lwoS nch ayerpans Place plaslic mix ng hlade nlo mixlnq container Place shorten ng nlo ...

Страница 47: ...oE then reduce oven temperalure to 200 F and bake I hour Turn oven oll and allow chees cake to lemain in oven fol l0 minutes Bemove and coo thoroughly Remove sides 0f sprino lorm Dan and cul cheese cake nlo squares lor seft ng Seneplain ortop with whippedcream or iluit pie fit ino chocolote nut tone 2 cuDs silted cake llour t 1 2 cups sllgar I teasp sill I teasp aking soda Yie d 1 8 nch torte l 3 ...

Страница 48: ...e Frost ng gingerbreod l 2 cup marqaiie l 2 cup sugar 1 ess 2 l 2 cups allpu0ose llour I l 2leasp baking soda l eheat oven lo 350oF Grease 9xgx2 nch pan Place ptastc m xinq bade into mi ng con rJiIcL Place n arqar ne lnlomix n0 container Ptocess marqarin l hile radually addinq sugar lrroulh leedtube Add ego and fitolasses through fe d tube and Drocess lff anolher minule nl lm xlure is v e lllended...

Страница 49: ...nove pans and coollo roorn temperature before froslino Suq0esled Topping Whlpped Cream hot milkcoke wilh broiler irosling l 2 cup hotnilk t Tbsp margarhe 2eggs l cup sugar Toppinq 3 4 cup trown sugar 1 3 cnp nargadne nelled I cup sined cake llour 1 8leasn salt l leasp bafting lowder l 4cupligncrean Preheat oven to 350 F Genercusly grease and dustwlh flourone 8x8x2 inch pan Heat milk melt fiargarin...

Страница 50: ...r 1 2cup shodeninE 5 5 Thsp cold water t 2teasp sall l leasp baling Dowftr llace 0 ast c m xinq ll ade into mixing conlain L Place al the ngredients except lhe v ater iD rre f0od processor and blend untill ne crumbs are formed Add the l1l ater a lillle al atimc ih oughleedlubeuntilthedough issulJiciently mo sttol0rm into aba L S10p un lug unit and rm0vedough Flatten0nliqhllyfloured sudaceby pressl...

Страница 51: ...eqgs Pre ieat oven t03500E Generous y grease and dusl l vith flour two 8 inch round cake pans IVellchocolate Place p aslc nutro otadp nto niritq corra lq S lr ou soda sa r a 0 srgar nl0 fi ing onlanerAddsSmlern0 3 4 Lprt h rdvanilla pr0Lesslotonemn ule Slop urDlrg u II atd sc aoe 00l 1sd s or nii tg colldnpt Aoo eqqs choLolale dnd renai_rrg I _4 c rp nttk P ocess ulUt dI nqredtent e weI btFrdeo pi...

Страница 52: ...r u h never need od Variaton Etully N4ap e Frosling omit vanila trom FIuffy Bulter Frosling and add teasp maplellavolng flufly butler frosling l 3 cu Eon hulter n maryafino 4 cllps silted corlectioneE sugar t Steasp sa tudgefrosting 4 sq uares un sweelen ed ciocolato l 2 cuD marqarin Yie d Frostinq t0 tilt and lost 2 8 or g inch aysrs 1 2 cupnitll 1 l 2teasp ranilta 4 cuns conlectloners sugar sitt...

Страница 53: ...tlern in the pasle Prepare Sweet Muffin batlff page 56 Spoon batter evenly inlo l an Eake 25 30 fit nules r d 400 o en lrlen pa I 0n 0 qe vi g dish rred alFly coconul crunch top coffee coke 1 recipe Sweet lluflinsGec pase s6 ToPPINGT l 4cupiownsugalpacked zl sp soltimcr teasp cinnamon 2lbsp llour l 2cuDcoconut Preheat ol enlo 350 F Grease an 8x8x2 nch baking pan Pace plasih mixing blade into mixmq...

Страница 54: ...h loal pan Preheal oven to 350 F Place steelcutling blade nto mixin conlainer Wilh processor runn n0 drop dates down feed lube a lew at at me unlil a are chopped Bemove chopped dates lo a small bowland add soda and boiling water SiJi ilour bak ng powder and salt into mix n conta ner Add brown suoar and maroarne Process 0N and 0FF 3limes Add eog date m xture and walnuls Process unlilthorouohly mixe...

Страница 55: ...uder l 2leasD salt Yield 1 dozen mulf ns t 2cupmitl I ess l 2 cup oit PreparemLttit Dans ovgleastrg or lhlrg l ih paoerb paceplasltc nix ng bldoe irb Ir xing conlamer 5 ldry trgredienls Inlo mirrnq Con ailq Aodrtk eqq dndOi pro eSS rnlil iiJflilJ I aboulS secolds Spoon m xlLre inro prepared muflrn oan Ba e ar 400ot Sunbeom wollles 4eggs 3 cups silled all puryoseltour 5 basp ialfiE po der I teasp s...

Страница 56: ...zr ...

Страница 57: ...linue pocessinq until ball of dough lorms on blades 5 10 seconds Remove dough lrom mixinq containerand shape into a ball Place in greased bowland rolllhe ballto g easelhe dough C0ver and allowto rise unlildough is doubled in volume aboul l 1l2 houls Punch down lold sides lo cenler turn dough over in bowl Cover and allow to se until doubled 40 minules Punch down lold and tum Place on board and allo...

Страница 58: ... flour Yield one loai I I 2 cups all purlose ttour 2Tbsp rne ssm l tsasp sali 2 Ttsp lrozen margarlne i wdle ardlLoa n srallbo rj Dtlsolr eveasr nlo sugdr llaret elyeas ntxl trp stdld rsl lbeo or 5 nirrles W1 le edst ntruj n rerli o i ace st e c ng btaoe rto mrr lconla neL Add dry milk l 2 cup v hole wheal llour I cup at puOoss Itour wheat germ lll and marqarine t0 mi n0 containel Process by turni...

Страница 59: ...h piece ot douqh into a bal These wit lle dporo imaley 2 ircnes ir dtdnele Dop dougl balls or g easeo coot e sheet a lFl v Iles dparl tih eno g r o ce lO slighlly lldlren lleT BrU h top Lt aCe Ol bJrs w lh relted mar gaiea_drUirtlewithsosdneseeos o0p0y ceeds CFlery seeos OtOtion ales tet Se 20 30minutes Bakeal325oF for 20 30 m nutes unti gdtden llrown Bemovelrom cookie sheet and allowlocoolon rack...

Страница 60: ...30 min ules Bake at 375 F tor 20 30 minules rrntilOolden brown oUlC CIoVEBLEAF lt lake 1 ball of douqh 2 inchesin diameter Placein0reased mltfin cup Wilh kitchen scissors snip each ballin half and then in quartsrs FAI TAILS Roll dough to 1 8 inch thick nss Spread with melted bufler Cut slrips l dough 1 1l2 inches wrde Stack 6 siriDs rvenly Clt into f inch pieces Ptace cut end r Fan Tarl down in gr...

Страница 61: ...t D0 oh pe tpp nare dbo r 78 rd urorJdl oott bdll s ze Da b Doea tbdll n ro t o tdtga ite drd nt tJ o 0l lpsuodtard2 FdspooFr ntdlon Pd o t Lbpoat av od s otdo gl l0 t t t eacholher Lel rse 30 40 minutes Eake al32S F for30 40 minules To0 shoLrtd be qotrle llrou n and coffeecake wilt sounrl hol ow 1 hen ta perlwith knuck es BRAIDED CoFFEE CAXE qol dJ gr n o t4 0 nr p ronq 0 tdngrurt e F el ros 0 i0...

Страница 62: ...nd 1 4 cup nutmeats ri0arsely ch0pped over douqh Rol up tigh y I wiJeendlyoushoutd have a tonq lube shaoed r lll seal seam securely Form a rin0 and seal r s rogether wlh a pair of scissors cut 2 3 i l rfu way throu0h the ring al l inch inlervats I rirsections on side Let rse lor 20 30 min rLi j Eake at 3250F for 30 40 mrnutes lop u rlh00oden brownand loafwil sound hollow rr nrrrapped witlr knuckle...

Страница 63: ... 1 r II ...
