Sun StorEdge N8600 Filer Storage Upgrade Guide
Configuring the Partner Group
A partner group provides redundant management communications for its two
arrays. If one array controller fails, the other controller assumes control of all
management reporting, as well as, if possible, data access to the failed array’s disk
drives. You only need to configure the management LAN for the MCU. In the event
that the MCU fails, it automatically fails over to its alternate MCU. No setup of the
management LAN on the alternate MCU is needed.
After you complete the setup of the management LAN, you have Ethernet access to
the array to complete the configuration of the arrays.
Repeat this entire procedure for the MCU of each partner group installed, but not for
its alternate MCU.
Adding the Partner Group’s IP Settings
Repeat this entire procedure for the MCU of each partner group installed, but not for
its alternate MCU.
To Add the IP Settings
The partner groups are connected to a local area network (LAN) as shown in
. To set up the connectivity for a partner group, perform the following steps:
1. Connect a terminal to the COM Port (see
) on the back of the MCU array.
A Tip kit was supplied with your Sun StorEdge N8600 filer that includes a 9-pin to
25-pin adapter, a 9-pin Tip adapter, and an interconnect cable.
If you are using a Sun workstation, connect either TTYA or TTYB to the array’s
COM port using the Tip kit.
If you are using a PC, connect either of the serial ports of the PC to the array’s
COM port using the Tip kit.
2. From your terminal, open a session with the array:
If your terminal is a PC, open a hyperterminal session with these communications
settings: 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, 9600 baud, Xon/Xoff.
If your terminal is a Sun workstation, open a Tip session with these
communications settings: 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, 9600 baud, Xon/Xoff.