Design and function
Super-Vitesse CFS 3101, 3501 / Super-Vitesse CFS 3101 DO, 3501 DO 10.13
Electro-hydraulic control block
(1) Electro-hydraulic control block
(2) Basic block with proportional directional
control valves for transport floor drive with:
(2.1) Connecting aperture for load-sensing
control line
(2.2) Proportional directional control valve
for transport floor
(2.3) Pressure limiting valve for priority
function (190 bar)
(2.4) Pick-up
(2.5) Reverse transport floor
(2.6) Pre-selection solenoids
(2.7) Load-sensing screw for disabling the
pressure regulator with the load-
sensing control line mounted:
Screw unscrewed = fixed
displacement pump
Screw screwed in = LS-mode
(3) Intermediate plate with directional seat
valves for:
(3.1) Folding drawbar and drawbar
(3.2) Tailgate and switchgear, dosing unit
(3.3) Cutting knives
(3.4) Pressure limiting valve for cutting unit
The pressure limiting valve is set to
140 bar, in order to prevent the
cutting unit and the cutting knives
from being damaged, while the
cutting unit is extended into the
conveyor duct.
(4) End plate with directional seat valves for
steering axle
(5) End plate with directional seat valves for
tridem lift axle (not available here)
Fig. 32
Fig. 33