Instruction For Use • C-MAC
Video Laryngoscope 8403xxx and Connection Cable 8403X • 96076019EN-US •
For information on reprocessing of the C-MAC
monitor 8403 ZX, please refer to the
corresponding instruction manual 96076008D.
For information on reprocessing of the C-MAC
PM, please refer to the corresponding
instruction manual 96076020D.
7.3 Preparation for cleaning and disinfection
1. Remove coarse impurities, corrosive solutions and drugs from the product immediately
after use.
2. Clean the product by wiping and irrigating it, preferably under running cold water.
7.4 Brushing the surfaces
Required materials:
– Brush (item no. 27652)
Clean the surfaces of the product under running cold water with a brush.
7.5 Manual cleaning
1. Immerse the product completely in a cleaning solution.
2. To ensure bubble-free wetting, fill the lumen specifically.
3. At the end of the exposure time, clean the product with brushes or a sponge.
4. Irrigate the product with cold water for neutralization.
7.6 Manual disinfection
Required materials:
– Cleaning gun with accessories (item no. 27660)
1. Immerse the product completely in the disinfectant solution.
2. To ensure bubble-free wetting, fill the lumen specifically.
3. At the end of the exposure time, irrigate the product several times to remove all chemical
4. Dry surfaces, joints, openings, channels and lumens with medical compressed air from the
cleaning gun.
7.7 Machine cleaning and disinfection
The following machine decontamination procedures have been validated and approved in
accordance with the process parameters described in the manual "Cleaning, Disinfection, Care
and Sterilization of KARL STORZ Instruments" (Art. No. 96216003D).
The selection of a suitable slide-in tray or instrument holder, which should ensure that the
medical device is thoroughly rinsed out or through, must take place in consultation with the
manufacturer of the device.
Irrigating the product in a slide-in trolley or instrument holder.
Machine cleaning/thermal disinfection
1. Carry out the thermal disinfection taking into account the national regulations and the A
value (reprocessing 93°C, drying 110°C) .
2. If necessary, dry the product again.